Lopez Vs Portnoy

Lopez or Portnoy?

  • Lopez (opeth)

    Votes: 83 55.7%
  • portnoy (dream theater)

    Votes: 66 44.3%

  • Total voters
People hear are so full of shit. Catacombs is clearly the worst Nile album. It is their shortest and seems to have the most interludes than any other Nile album. Seeds beats the shit out of Catacombs on every level. The drumming was still wonderful on that album but in no way match up to Laureano on Shrines. Its just obvious. I mean it was hard enough to top Seeds and he filled Pete's spot with ease.
I don't think that Portnoy could play what Lopez plays. He may play in odd time, but so does Lopez. I think that Portnoy has a lot of creativity, but I think Lopez kills him techinal-wise. Of course, I'm just a "fan boy" of Opeth and Lopez's drumming, so I'm just talking about of my ass, right??? :loco: Well, aside from those two, I should mention some other amazing drummers. Does anyone know Kevin Talley? He is the ex-drummer of Dying Fetus. He is really kick ass, creative, and technical. As well as very fast. There is also Danny Carrey from Tool who is much more creative than Portnoy. Gavin Harrison is great, he should in fact be mentioned even though someone said he shouldn't be. He's really good as well as Porcupine Tree's previous drummer, Chirs Maitland. That's pretty much it for me right now. Please, give feedback about the drummers I have mentioned above. Thanks.
There is no shroud of doubt in my mind that Portnoy could play anything Lopez has so far on the Opeth albums. Let's face it, Lopez isn't all that a technically advanced player. He just knows what the songs need when he plays and he plays fine. But technically, he is no where near close to the likes of Mike Portnoy, Mark Zonder or Gene Hoglan. I'll give it to him though; he is very creative and one of the drummers that I really, really love listening to. He never goes out of the confines of the song, never overplays (which Mike Portnoy does sometimes), which makes him even better in my eyes.
GRR this is starting to be annoying, Portnoy is NOT very technical. The subdivisions he uses to play in awkward time signatures are always childish and pointless..... playing in 19/16 for the sake of it, which sounds fucking stupid, and is incredibly easy to do. I'd like to see the fucking mess portnoy would make of benighted, credence, the whole of damnation and any of the really quick double pedal passages, his top double pedal speed is pretty slow. Lopez has a beautiful style which mixes modern day death metal/rock with jazz/blues, all performed with a feel that reminds me sometimes of the late john bonham. Have you heard portnoy try and do this style of drumming, on the dream theater '5 years in a livetime' acoustic set or on most of transatlantic? It's terrible. OSI is the only thing Portnoy's done where he doesn't overplay terribly, and OSI fucking sucks.
Portnoy > Every other drummer. Yes, and this includes Peart.

Bleak Eyes said:
He's really good as well as Porcupine Tree's previous drummer, Chirs Maitland. That's pretty much it for me right now. Please, give feedback about the drummers I have mentioned above. Thanks.

I'm sorry, Chris Maitland teaches at my old school, he isn't anything special. He has no sense of dynamic, can only play at fortissimo, is as stiff as a board and produces students who are little clones of him. Sure, he can keep down a solid groove, but that's about as far as his ability goes.
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Portnoy > Every other drummer. Yes, and this includes Peart.

Don't even get me started on this. Portnoy is overrated. Peart beats his ass any day. It may not be totally drumming related, but show me another drummer who can play a syncopated 4/4 glockespiel line while holding down a solid 5/4 groove with his remaining limbs. Yeah, Peart did that. I could go on and on about drummers who do stuff that Portnoy could only ever dream of. Portnoy's a good drummer, no doubt, but he's in the second division.
I think i wrote it in the other thread, but drummers that I think sound fast, at least, is

Trym (emperor)
Hellhammer (Mayhem, Arcturus, ex-Kovenant, Troll(maybe ex) and some others)
Inferno, I think it is (in Behemoth)
Asgeir in Vintersorg and Borknagar also has a comfy sound, dunno if he's good or not.
Staffan said:
Yep, that's gavin harrison :worship:
He's great, the drumming really fits the music and he doesn't show off.

I saw your post about Gavin Harrison, and didn't realize he's the current PT drummer. I was like, who's Gavin Harrison? :D I was very impressed by his drumming!

PT's drumming is NOT worth mentioning here at all. I have 8 of their albums and they are not that great. I can't even imagine why someone would bring Maitland up at all.Trym is badass and I loved seeing him live! But Hellhammer is just lame. I know you guys have heard mirrors and how can you be impressed with that? One person who had an awesome style was Tjodalv. I thought he did really creative things on EDT. I mean more creative than any of the other drummers in that genre at the time. Peart is just the master and I don't care how technical he was. While Opeth is my favorite band,Rush is the most complete band I've ever heard. Nothing ever sounded out of place. Just perfection.
DreamingofUr said:
PT's drumming is NOT worth mentioning here at all. I have 8 of their albums and they are not that great. I can't even imagine why someone would bring Maitland up at all.Trym is badass and I loved seeing him live! But Hellhammer is just lame. I know you guys have heard mirrors and how can you be impressed with that? One person who had an awesome style was Tjodalv. I thought he did really creative things on EDT. I mean more creative than any of the other drummers in that genre at the time. Peart is just the master and I don't care how technical he was. While Opeth is my favorite band,Rush is the most complete band I've ever heard. Nothing ever sounded out of place. Just perfection.

Hellhammer, yes, I was thinking about his work on Mayhem's A Grand Decleration of war
1. Neil Peart
2. Mike Portnoy
3. Martin Lopez

1. Dream Theater
2. Opeth
3. Rush

Please argue against my opinion. Opinions suck arse...
I don't see the point..

Dream Theater and Opeth are my 2 favorite bands. Both drummers are very good...Why make it a contest?

If you're asking for my honest opinion, Portnoy is a better drummer.