I'd much rather wait until then to see the whole season in as uninterrupted of a stream as possible than have to watch half of the season now and then wait 4 months for the second half of the season as in the past.
Fringe made me wonder when the new episodes of LOST will air.
I'm not sure I'm real keen on this constant time travel stuff, but they sure can answer a lot of longtime questions ... 4 Toed Statue, Black Rock Ship in the middle of an island, how the Black Smoke monster was created, etc.
Well y'all I'm kinda a noob to Lost! just started watching last season (08) & ABSOLUTELY LOVED each & every episode!!! Now, I like so many of y'all wanna see the earlier seasons, particuarly 1 & 2! Still, I'm so intrigued & just utterly fascinated by this show it's unbelievable!!! I also love how the writers put in so MANY little things & give you all these subtle hints about everything from characters, locations, random things they find on the island, etc. I'm also hoping they answer one of the questions I've been wondering, Where The Hell Did Richard Come from, and just why is he always around?!
"we're not going to Guam, are we?"
LOL - classic.
love this show.
so they are back...crazy.
what was with that guy in the airport (who also found his way on the plane and was in the section w/ them) that told jack "sorry for your friend"?
they seemed to make a point of him, idk why. was he in the show before and i just forget him?
Two question remains:
- how the heck will they get Desmond back to the island?
YES - that was the freakin' funniest comment EVER! We (my wife and me) immediately changed our facebook status to "we're not going to Guam either" hehe ...
*** SPOILERS ***
Two question remains:
- how the heck will they get Desmond back to the island?
- what happened to make Kate leave Aaron behind? And in connection with that, wasn't there supposed to be some pregnant girl on board in order to recreate the original situation on the plane (in that case, was Kate's nightly visit with Jack just a set-up for her to get pregnant?)?
*** SPOILERS ***
My first guess is that Kate gave Aaron to his Grandmother/Claire's Mother.
Tonight's episode was great! It's nice to finally know what Locke did when he returned. I still don't know who to trust, Ben or Charles Widmore.
I hope they tell us about Penny and Aaron next week.