LSD Drums - Snares v.1. selling now! (incl. teaserclips)

wow, you and Lars are the only ones digging that sound ;)

but yeah, could do.

It's used quite a bit in non-thrashy music... think ISIS, Tool, and Cult Of Luna, and my band :D ... they all have their no-wires moments :)

Would definitely buy them if you did some. I plan on buying these anyway, because they sound damn good.
well, since others have made some suggestions about snare sounds ... personally, I would LOVE something close to the snare sound on the Avantasia cd "The Scarecrow". Actually, I would love that whole fuckin kit sound but that snare is fantastic. Don't know if you're familiar with it or not but I thought I'd throw that idea out there
mate. i'd be up for joining forces if you want.
of course if not,.... then greyskull samples will be coming soon. ;-)
+11111111111111 for the no wires sound. Great for fx.

Lasse, I know i might get spit on my forehead for asking that, but for some slower rock, ballads and such i really miss samples with looser wires. I have a Pearl Ian Paice snare and I just cant get this tone out of it (it has only 14 wires or so, sounds too short, too cracky and looser it just becomes dead), so that´s why i need such kind of sample. Any chance on doing something like that ?
yup, I'll try to meet all the expectations/requests...I'll compile a list of all that and add those samples for v1.1 (to be released end of this month, beginning of next month).
of course there will be upgrade options for the v1.0 owners

LSD Drums