Lyric Poll

Slavematic Sound

7 String Bassist
Sep 14, 2004
Atlanta,Ga USA
:hotjump: 1) What do you like hearing in your Lyrics?
IE : War, depression, hate, anger, life, fantasy, Love ,Peace, Girls, X-girlfriends, Parents, Philosophy, Christain Lyrics, Devil Lyrics, Bad Events, Abuse, Drugs, Racism, Rhyms that dont make sence, Ghetto, Money, Pictures, terrain, politics, end of the world, wizards, warriors, Children, Peoples Rights, Ect....

2) What kind of Lyrics do you like?
IE : High Screaming, Low Roaring, Pure Growling, High pitch punk Pop Voice, Low tone Pearl Jam Voice, Distortion/synth Voice, Grungy hard to understand voice, 80s Hairband voice, Trash metal punk grind Rhyms, raping, talking, wispering, boy band singing, Opeth Singing, Alice in Chains low singing, Ect...


3) How do you like your Lyrics Written?

IE : Offbeat, on Chrous with the rythm Guitar, Following Bass lines, 3/4/3/4 with the Drums, on Chrous with the Lead Guitar, Nsync with the Keyboard ect...

I like,
1) War, Depression, Hate, Anger, Life, Wizards, Warriors, Ghetto, Terrain, End of the World, Drugs.

2) High Screaming, Low Roaring, Pure Growling, Opeth Singing, Grunge hard to understand Voice

3) Nsync with the Keyboard, or the Bass and rarely with the Rythm Guitar.

What about you?
Lyrics I like?

I like lyrics about death and destruction, kicking ass, and being awesome, like Kreator, Jag Panzer, Motorhead, Sodom, Exodus, or 80's Priest.

I also like lyrics that are emotional and powerful (whether about Fantasy, Real life, or whatever) without being stupid or whiny, like mid-era Metal Church lyrics, 70's Priest, early Fates Warning, Dio, Black Sabbath, Skyclad, Sabbat, etc.

I hate pretentious whiny lyrics, like Opeth or whatnot.

I also can't stand tough guy hardcore/mallcore lyrics with endless curses and other worship of blatant uncreative retardation.


Singing I like?

80's/Traditional Metal style singing. Harry Conklin, Rob Halford, Dio, Bruce Dickinson, and John Arch are the best examples I can give. Easily my favourite style of Metal singing.


And the third one?

Of course I prefer the lyrics to go in sync with the music.

The end.
I like philosophical or political lyrics. Lyrics about destruction, end of humanity and stuff make me laugh with all their seriousness.

I like traditionnal vocals like Jag Panzer, Susperia, Iced Earth, Nevermore, Testament.
I like growls like Testament ( again ), Decapitated, Necronomicon ( amazing band ), Martyr ( if we can consider their vocals as growls ), Quo Vadis.
Screams like Blut Aus Nord, Anorexia Nervosa.
1. All of the listed except for racism, ex girfriends, girls I can deal with. And I totally love pretentiousness.

2. Opeth singing, or high screaming, but not like Helloween screaming, more like James LaBrie screaming.

3. I like when vocals are done in their own melody, not following another instrument.
1) Lyrics about war, destruction, death/torture... all the fun stuff. Anything honest in a social context. Philosophy, spirituality and depression too. And women and drinking... AC/DC takes the cake for that. Shook me all night long...

2) Intelligible growls, harsh agressive black growls, despondent cries (Burzum), soaring melodic vocals/traditional vocals.

3) Not fussy.
1) hmmm, mythology, folklore, philosophy, anti-christianity, spirituality, despondence.

2) low growling, high screaming, fucking love triumphant and soaring viking choruses, folk melody, Bruce Dickinson, the vocals of Falkenbach and Moonsorrow, Garm, David Vincent, Darren Travis (Sadus attack!!!).

3) well for atonal/extreme vocal styles the patterns must work together with the rhythm guitar. For clean vocals, they need to work from the underlying chord movements, melodic and harmonic creativity is a must.
I love lyrics about trolls, human limbs, and fetus'.

As for vocals, I like it when bands switch between growls , SUPER low growls, and high shrieks (ie: Into Eternity and Dying Fetus).

I don't care about the beat of the lyrics, as long as the band can make it work well with the music.
In the past I never really thought about what themes I really enjoy I guess. But thinking now, I love themes of battle or war.

I'm not neccessarily referring to lyrics that just talk about primitive war scenes of people being bludgened to death by archaic weaponary. More imagery of wars context, the consequences and the feeling behind the fight.

However, I will listen to a range of things, eg: state of mind, horror etc.

Vocals, I like a range. From hitting high notes to the growls of the damned and preferably when they follow the melody or pattern of the music.
The lyrics style I like:

1. War, depression, hate, anger, life, fantasy, Love ,Peace, Girls, Philosophy, Christain Lyrics, politics, end of the world, wizards, warriors.

2. High Screaming, Low Roaring, Pure Growling, High pitch power metal, and sad vocals

3. on Chrous with the rythm Guitar or on lead guitar
1. I like any kind of lyrics except lyrics about girls/relationships. I can't stand those kind of lyrics.

2. I like growled/grunted/screamed vocals. Essentially, I prefer extreme metal vocals to clean vocals.

3. I like the vocals to rhytmically follow the riffage.
1) What do you like hearing in your Lyrics?

Philosophy, Politics, Spirituality, Religion(even the lesser ones like Satanism, Paganism), Ancient History, Occult, Abstract, Science Fiction, Death, After-life, Love. Anything well written really.

2) What kind of Lyrics do you like?

Subtle singing, Screaming, Growling, Rasping, female operatic vocals.

3) How do you like your Lyrics Written?

IE : Offbeat, on Chrous with the rythm Guitar, Following Bass lines, 3/4/3/4 with the Drums, on Chrous with the Lead Guitar, Nsync with the Keyboard ect...
Whatever fits really...

I'm pretty diplomatic on this, as long as the vocals and lyrics fit the atmosphere and the way the music is written, all is well.
1) Anything as long as it is well-written.

2) I believe you mean what kind of vocal style you prefer...I would have to say whatever vocal style fits the lyrical and musical content of the song.

3) I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but I like my lyrics...well-written?

I don't bother reading the lyrics to most bands unless I suspect they're really good or have heard good things about them. The reason is because I think most lyrics are so atrociously bad that it ruins the song completely for me.
1. Political/war lyrics, tongue-in-cheek stuff about the destruction of poseurs and the awesomeness of metal and killing and stuff, and anything with some good descriptive turns of phrase–i.e., Sabbat's "Hosanna In Excelsis," which is about standard Satan-evil-death stuff but features awesome lines like "Crusaders of damnation, in death our purpose found at last" and "Ghastly are the hordes of hell."

2. Either trad/power melodic singing heavy on the falsetto, or vicious but coherent thrash snarling like Baloff, Blitz, Walkyier (Sabbat-era), etc.

3. Uh, generally in time with the music and least on a generally similar key/melody. Counterpoint is fun, but not when overused.
1. Folklore, Political Metaphors, some Gore stuff can be funny. A.C and anything else thats designed to shit people.

2. Black Metal Shrieks (Emperor) scream/shouts Burzum/Weakling Death Metal growls are awesome and Matthew Chalk. and also, Phil anselmo is god..

3. as long as it fits the music.
1) What do you like hearing in your Lyrics?

Philosophy, Nature, Paganism, Anti-xtiany/judasim/islam, Satanism, Strength, Depression, Hatred, Murder, Suicide, Concept album type stuff that isn't too cheesy, Romance

2) What kind of Lyrics do you like?

Did you mean vocals? Thats hard to describe

Really high pitched BM vox (ie Burzum, Mutiilation), raspy BM vox (Emperor, Darkthrone), really powerful female vox (ie Lisa Gerrad), melodic male vocals (ie Opeth's clean vox), sultry white female vox (ie Fiona Apple), dense growls (Shape of Despair, Opeth)

I don't know thats a wierd question