Mac vs PC thread

I would choose PC just because of those stupid PC vs. Mac commercials, but PCs also offer superior processing power for my gaming needs.
Also, this needs a poll.
I've got a PC, have had the same one for about four years and no problems with it. To be honest, I've never actually tried a mac before though if I get a laptop I'll consider buying one.
You know the part in Fight Club where Norton fights the blond guy and talks about wanting to destroy something "beautiful"? That's the feeling I get everytime I see an Apple product.

Had a friend who needed to go into an Mac store once, I wanted to firebomb the place by the time I got done looking around.
I'm a graphic designer so I use a Mac at school for most projects, but I really, really prefer PCs, and Mac users are faggots mainly.
I will not argue Mac's supremacy, but from experience I have had a very positive experience in the full year I've had my MacBook Pro (on Leopard). I used to have a PC desktop on Windows XP, and it always had problems, but those are gone with Leopard.
PCs. Awesome stuff. Cheaper and more powerful for gaming. You can build your own. And has games. Etc.