Mainstream Bands that Don't Suck

Note the title at the top of this particular forum and then note my complete non-participation in the Opeth only forum.

When you've done that, please feel free to go fuck yourself, cuntweed.

Jesus you have to be the apitimy of someone who has no life apart from meaningless meandering on the internet.
Why in the hell would you participate so avidly in the forum if you cant stand Opeth?
Granted this is non-opeth chat but isnt it obvious to you that everyone here is a fan, would you not be better off in a plain general music duscussion forum?

Seriously, what an idiot!:lol:
I noticed a bunch of you listed Muse, and I remember Mike Portnoy saying in an interview that he's a fan of Muse, so I checked them out. Wow, talk about some great intelligent melodic rock! I would agree 100%, they definitely don't suck.
The FYE in my area has a large inventory of stuff I wouldn't consider being remotely close to "mainstream"...

Circuit City and Best Buy would be a better example but even they carry stuff like Gorjira that I wouldn't consider to be mainstream...

Is Opeth Mainstream?
only if you prance around proudly in your best Opeth t-shirt in wal-mart enough...then people might get it and they might become mainstream and we can then think that their music has become shit because they're too mainstream
sounds like metal_wrath logic to me

All joking aside, Opeth could be classified as "Crossover" in regard to heavier genres of metal and say other types of music that are loaded with mainstream artists/bands. I guess that I'm a perfect example of their crossover-ness...I like all forms of music/genres and before discovering Opeth thru Porcupine Tree, I was listening to a lot of guitar driven blues, rockabilly, and surf-noir type stuff..and my staples of jazz, jazz fusion, new-age etc...and after hearing Opeth, I fell back in love with the progessive nature of their song structure as well as the uber cool totally unique sounding guitar riffs but I hated the growls...but now I love them!!!!

Since, I've found some other metal bands I like, like Katatonia, Arcturus, Isis, Noverbers Doom, etc...and a lot that I don't, like maybe Canabal Corpse as an example, with their speed metal and blast beats....sorry, it just sounds like a cacophonous racket to me..I require an assemblance of melodic structure to my music.....but the somewhat ambiguous meaning of my original post was that....let's pretend that Opeth's new album is an epic masterpeice, say, Dark Side of the Moon epic, and skyrockets to the top. I fear that many of the old fans would turn a cold shoulder towards them for becoming too mainstream. Kinda like Metalica's fans did with their release of the black album...and I believe Opeth is good enough that this could very well happen if they chose to write in that direction.

Irregardless, if you follow the development of Opeth's writing styles, they seem to be headed towards a slightly more mainstream direction which I personally have nothing against.