Mainstream Bands that Don't Suck

What the hell does that have to do with being mainstream? Would you consider a band like Ulver mainstream? Truth is, I can find their discog pretty easily with a simple search.

Exactly. tbh i can find a larger selection of ulver CDs than I can morbid angel CDs at my local JBHIFI store. I had to go searching around to find Blessed are the Sick.

Everyones missing the point of the thread, it was said in the opening post to list bands which get regular radio hits. Bands which are "overplayed" on the mainstream radio channels I think was the point. No one can tell me Morbid Angel, Slayer, or even Tool is overplayed on radio stations like Triple M (one of the biggest mainstream rock channels in sydney).
Have you ever had to work to find a Morbid Angel release?

I rest my case.

that depends on how accessible morbid angel albums are for you, where you live, whether or not you have access to the internet, your interests, and the links they provide you with, etc. but most of all, your definition of mainstream.

john who lives in bumb-fuck egypt and only listens to modern country, which is the only radio station in bumb-fuck egypt, has no concept of mainstream.

sethon, his next door neighbor, has a grandmother in charleston who sends him linkin park's music. to sethon, linkin park is underground. but, sethon has no concept of the underground/mainstream spectrum. if only sethon knew what a blind idiot he is.
I don't really think any death metal band can be considered mainstream. The genre just doesn't appeal to a broad enough spectrum of people as does hip-hop, pop, rap, electronic, rock, etc.
So if Morbid Angel is mainstream, would you call a highly popular black metal band (Darkthrone, Immortal, Burzum, take your pick) mainstream? Because, iirc, that would make that band cease to be put in the black metal genre because the whole point of black metal is to be unlistenable, according to what "tr00" black metalheads tell me.

Either way, this discussion is way too meaningless to intrigue me so I'm done with this. It's becoming another fucking black metal thread and I think we all know how those go.
If you can buy it at every FYE in America, it's mainstream.

The FYE in my area has a large inventory of stuff I wouldn't consider being remotely close to "mainstream"...

Circuit City and Best Buy would be a better example but even they carry stuff like Gorjira that I wouldn't consider to be mainstream...

Is Opeth Mainstream?