Mainstream Bands that Don't Suck

agreed 100%... that was my only aversion to trying out their music in the first place...
The way I define mainstream is if

a)They were/are on the radio and not on any special (hip-hop,metal,dance) shows, but just usual songs
b)I could randomly go up to a person on the street and ask them if they heard about this band and could tell me a bit about their sound

So, I have no idea where you guys live, but people would think I'm loony if asked them about Slayer, let alone Morbid Angel, since they wouldn't have a clue.
a band doesn't have to be a household name to be mainstream.

you want to know why Slayer is mainstream? there latest album/single was promoted to be picked up at Hot Topic ffs

The Mars Volta doesn't fall in either of your categories either, yet they've had videos on MTV, songs played on radio (not regularly at all, so it doesn't fit your criteria), played live on MTV's music awards before. they just went on a major tour with the Red Hot Chili Peppers. yet, in my experience, hardly anyone knows the name. even though their newest album debuted at #9 on the Billboard charts, they aren't mainstream?
The Shins.

Dunno, I just like them. Or at least the Oh, Inverted World album.
Unearth (dont give a fuck what you say about these guys, they pioneered the fuckin genre and are amazing at what they do. The stings of conscience is a fucking brutal and amazing cd.)
In Flames (jk, they suck emo ass now, thankfully everything before clayman is the fuckin shit)
Unearth (dont give a fuck what you say about these guys, they pioneered the fuckin genre and are amazing at what they do. The stings of conscience is a fucking brutal and amazing cd.)
In Flames (jk, they suck emo ass now, thankfully everything before clayman is the fuckin shit)
adding to the plethora of good choices already posted:

Third Eye Blind (highly underrated. Most people just know their first single.)
Rage Against The Machine
Live (pre black mountain)
Michael Jackson (old stuff)
Peter Gabriel
Rush (their recent stuff too, not just a classic rock band)
DJ Tiesto
Unearth (dont give a fuck what you say about these guys, they pioneered the fuckin genre and are amazing at what they do. The stings of conscience is a fucking brutal and amazing cd.)
In Flames (jk, they suck emo ass now, thankfully everything before clayman is the fuckin shit)

All of these except Tool dont fall under the mainstream music category, yes they are mainstream metal but not mainstream music in general. 95% of the people I know wouldnt know any of these bands.