Males and Females

My internet relationship with this one broad from Indiana. Not only did she cheat on me like four times, she blamed me for it; cut contact with me five or six times, then a day later she would re-add me again, saying "I'm sorry, I love you". Rinse and repeat over the course of a month.

How did she cheat on you? Did she skype with someone else?
The idea that the only time in which a relationship has value is when the relationship germinates in some kind of chance face to face encounter is clearly outdated.

If something works for two people, then let it be. Who gives a shit if it isn't a traditional model?

Mind you, I don't quite understand any relationship that has no goal of eventually becoming localized, but sometimes you end up realizing that you can explore more of the world than your proverbial backyard for a partner and the internet does allow that to happen quite easily.
I normally don't agree with Mort but right now, I do, 110%.

I had plans to eventually meet with her so I don't see how it couldn't be classed as a "relationship". Besides, who are you to tell me what is and isn't a relationship, when it doesn't involve you? "Hyuck hyuck but you can't actually touch lol". Get the fuck out with your antiquated views. We had an emotional connection at the time, that's all that is required for me (and for a lot of people).

Regardless it doesn't matter because I'm obviously not with her now, but still. The point is, if you think you can impose your own narrow definition of what is and isn't a "relationship" onto another person, not only are you wrong, but you are an asshole.
Having a crush on some random chick on the internet is not having an emotional connection. Might as well say that SentinelSlain and I have an emotional connection.

it's funny how some women do find me attractive and go after me, but im not the kind of guy that fucks bitches in porn
But you do still fuck bitches regardless on occasion, you fucking emotionally abusive cheating cumdumpster of a cunt.
Having a crush on some random chick on the internet is not having an emotional connection. Might as well say that SentinelSlain and I have an emotional connection.

You're an idiot.

You're simplifying a situation you know nothing about to make your point appear more legitimate than it is.
Having a crush on some random chick on the internet is not having an emotional connection. Might as well say that SentinelSlain and I have an emotional connection.

Being able to see and touch a person is not a requirement for an emotional connection. You'd be surprised how much you can be in a person's life physically and not emotionally. A connection is a mutual feeling shared between two people, whether it's through letters, fucking, the internet, or they communicate through dance like bees, the only requirement is communication.