Males and Females

Sounds like you should shoot yourself in the head with a large caliber bullet

You guys might as well just throw it out there with those girls. If you're always going to love her you might as well let her know, lest she think you want to be friends for life while other guys bend her over on their couch and you wait to be her shoulder to cry on when he doesn't call in the morning while his sperm are still floating around inside her.
Yeah, she knows as well. Hell, yesterday we even talked about fwb. She says she does miss sex and does like me a lot and has feelings for me, but she still isn't sure about "us" whatever the fuck shit that means...
She's obviously confused or still hasn't fully gotten over her ex, but I wish she'd make up her damn mind already.
In all likeliness, it'll probably just end in more disappointment and heartbreak on my end. Nothing new
Just realized when I read this...

I've never had sex with a female older than me. Assuming I stay with my wife/don't go poking my dick around where it doesn't belong, this will stay true for the rest of my life.

What about the Mailman or some dude when she has the day off and you're at work, and you come home and she gives you a kiss after.
How's is to be loyal to one woman?

Loyal is a strange word to me. I guess because I'm not looking to have sex with anyone else. I work, listen to music, come home from work and my wife makes dinner. We fairly regularly have sex still. It's just what's normal I guess.

We have are arguments and whatnot but we work through them fairly well, it's not really teenage fight and break up bullshit at this point. We are both very aware of what we got ourselves into.
My first wife couldn't handle the shared responsibility of being married because she was too impulsive with spending and doing things like deciding not to go to work because she didn't feel like it. We divorced after about eighteen months. She was a few years younger than me. We have a son together.

My second wife, who I married last year, is a lot more grounded and similar to me in terms of understanding the type of cooperation necessary for a successful marriage. We have known each other for several years, even before I was married. We just didn't develop feelings for each other until much more recently. She is a few years older than I am and she has a kid from her first marriage too.
That's a nice explanation I guess.

I guess what I mean by all that is that if you're married and you have a good or at least decent marriage it kind of simplifies life a little.

For the first time in my life I don't have a huge list of shit to worry about. Between us we're making plenty of money to pay our bills and have play money. My job may not be ideal but it's turned into a decent living... I know I post like a slobbering drunk occasionally but I'm fairly grounded and calm for the most part.