I do think it's a little weird to come on the internet, admit you're 17 (and a girl from the jump),and start talking about the kind of guy you want to a bunch of old farts in here (seriously Peach you can be my student). However, I've done silly things at 17 too. But just be careful on the internet. Yes it's the internet and maybe you're having a chuckle about it yourself, but if you're serious I wouldn't respond to sexual comments or reveal identity until you know who people are and where they are coming from. Most (not all there's some batshits in here) of the people here are honestly harmless and tbh I do think, even in their fucked up warped mind, they mean well and just want to have a laugh. However, it's still the internet and you should just be a little mindful. Some weirdos dig the weak and naive young girl scenario so just be careful.