Males and Females

(Sorry for combo breaker)

MP alerted me that he's not getting enough secks and hates it. I have the libido of a dead grandma and I don't want to go off the pill. From the male perspective, what is the timeline of how long you're willing to hold out until your gf gets her shit together?

We see each other about 5-6 days a month and probably do it 4-5 times a month (weekend visits only).
My gf stopped taking the pill a couple months ago and the improvement not only in her libido but in her overall personality made it totally worth it.
yeah with this new girl I'm going out with, she's not on the pill, and I'm thinking I don't want her to take it after experiencing my ex-girlfriend's libido crash while on the pill

in regards to your situation krampus, if you're seeing MP 5-6 times a month and having sex 4-5 times out of the 5-6 visits, I'd say that's not bad. But it depends on a lot of variables. If you're not interested in the sex, then that's definitely not good.

and what dak said...more foreplay never hurts (unless if your idea of foreplay is fisting or something)
It's not really a matter of foreplay. When I do it I have fun and enjoy it, it's not like I burnt off my nerve endings or anything. But a lot of the time it's just like "meh I don't feel like it." I can count every time I've manhandled myself in the past 5-6 months on two hands.

unknown didn't you say your ex went months without putting out? I've been on the same pill for basically the entire duration of our relationship so I'm not sure it's that. For the first year or two we were at it like 4-5 times a day.
yeah. prior to my ex being on the pill, we were like jack rabbits. but the pill along with other emotional factors sent her libido to negative territory. it sucked.
@ Kramp, Well your last sentence explains everything. It's never the same after 1-3 years, and anybody that says the sex is the same is either in complete denial and/or doesn't know his/her partner feels differently.
It's totally fine for it to be different. I don't expect to be the wundercouple who maintains teenage sex lives for 75 years or anything and I don't think he does either.

I think some balance will be found. The weather improving will probably help a lot.
My girlfriend and I are on "a break," whatever the fuck that means, by request from her. She claims to be feeling confused and somewhat apathetic to the idea of us getting married and is worried she's going to have to deal with my indecisiveness when it comes to taking "the next step" each time in our relationship (ie getting married, having kids, I don't know what follows sex?). I didn't understand the logic behind this at all but I could tell something was amiss with her. She just seemed pretty meh about me flying over their during christmas. She claims she was glad I came and all that but had a feeling of anxiety the whole time and didn't know what it meant.

I don't know what to think really. Obviously if she's struggling with something I'd like her to be able to express those feelings to me and not wait months to tell me, that's what has me more upset than anything. It wasn't her wanting to go on a break or what she's actually feeling, it's the fact she waited so long to tell me while I'm sitting around thinking it's all good and by the end of summer I'd be moving out there and we would be moving on with our lives.

It's not a breakup and she says she still loves me and we aren't going to see other people (that's the last thing I want to do tbh). It's pretty soul crushing to hear something like this, especially when I was willing to propose to her while I was in Hawaii last.


@krampus: Thanks for the FB message.
You're welcome.

I don't know what to think tbh. The only situation in which I can imagine a "break" legitimately just being a break and not a slow die-off breakup is if you specifically wanted to go on a fucking spree and rack up your numbers until you were satisfied knowing you had the best option out there. If she's been distant for a while she may have met someone else. I don't know either of you though so obviously my opinion means nothing.

In the past when you guys had problems or arguments, did you have to draw it out of her or was she upfront about her thoughts and feelings?

edit: @Jimmy S.A.D.