Males and Females

I haven't heard a peep out of Ashley since March 21st. I sent her a text on her birthday May 14th, no response. Today, out of the blue, I get three messages:

Are you married?
Or engaged?"

Today I asked my ex polish mutant if she still likes me. And she said something positive if I understood it correctly. I will see her tomorrow if she doesn't fucking back up as always. I offered her to repair the toilet paper ear-rings that she broke. And she will give me some tobacco from Poland. I can't wait for that.
it's a trap!

It's all settled now. There was some miscommunication between her and her father. Essentially he was trying to plant seeds in her mind in my favor and she somehow ended up thinking I was engaged or married or something. God bless her father, fighting the good fight. lol

And having said all of that, I have a date next Friday. holla
I had a breakdown today. Fell into the ex's trap. Got back with her.

That day, all contact cut with me. What the fuuuuck.
This goes out to all my dating-site-using niggaz:

How do you go about approaching women, how do you try to come off in your profile, and (most importantly) how successful are you?

I've been using OKCupid for the last two weeks. In my profile I tried to come off as intelligent, funny, and I guess cute. I approach women by trying to find ones with whom I get a high match score whose profiles say they reply frequently, I read over their entire profile, look at pictures, see how they respond to the questions the site lets you answer, and then send them a message based around some common trait or interest. If they respond to this I try to keep a conversation going while gradually shifting towards personal getting-to-know-each-other stuff.

This has not worked. At all.
I've gotten responses from probably a third of the girls I've messaged. One girl, after one message, suggested we meet up for a drink...then called it off randomly. Another abruptly stopped responding for no apparent reason. The best I've done was playing facebook and chatting with some chick on facebook, but there wasn't a whole lot of interest from either side, I think.

Any suggestions to improve my game? In my profile I mention that I just got out of a long-term relationship, and that I'm not looking to get serious. In the "looking for" section I list short-term dating, casual sex, new friends, and activity partners. Should I maybe add in long-term dating and take out the casual sex?

My actual goal is obviously sex. My ideal would be going on a few dates with a girl and then porking, calling her, and porking more, but not getting serious. Also definitely into meeting once, porking, and not calling. Or calling, whatever. Point is, I'm not trying to be a shallow douche and I'm not unwilling to try and engage emotionally with these girls or put time in, but my end goal is sex, although I'd be open to the idea of a relationship if the right girl came along.

I know some of you fuckers use dating sites, so...let's hear it.
Yeah, I tend to do the same thing as you. I look at their profile and ask them questions after finding common ground. I attempt to ask them about things I find interesting about their profile that I am not familiar with, hoping they'd be happy to explain things they like or their philosophies, but I rarely get a response.

I've been changing my game a bit by just saying lame ass shit like "Hey, you are cute :)" or something queer as fuck, and that doesn't seem to work as well. I even message some rather unattractive girls just to see if the problem is my message or my profile. Not that I don't pursue these unattractive girls either. I'm not attractive, why should I desire only attractive girls?

Fucking Sluts
I have the same reply rate as waif and I don't have casual sex on my list. I assume that women will deselect men for having it but not for not having it, even if it's what they're after.
I'm attractive as balls and I try not to come off like I'm just spamming, but I still have a low reply rate. I'm considering taking casual sex off, adding long-term dating, and removing references to the break-up and my reluctance to get into a long term relationship from my profile.
I remember that Rick put something along the lines of 'Women don't have the balls to actually message guys about their profile, so what's the point of actually making one of these?' or something and he got an increased number of responses.

It was basically calling out women for being way too selective
Be mysterious (conceal yourself, answer questions with questions), and the opposite of capricious & inconstant aka weak. The stronger you are, the more attractive.
This goes out to all my dating-site-using niggaz:

How do you go about approaching women, how do you try to come off in your profile, and (most importantly) how successful are you?

I've been using OKCupid for the last two weeks. In my profile I tried to come off as intelligent, funny, and I guess cute. I approach women by trying to find ones with whom I get a high match score whose profiles say they reply frequently, I read over their entire profile, look at pictures, see how they respond to the questions the site lets you answer, and then send them a message based around some common trait or interest. If they respond to this I try to keep a conversation going while gradually shifting towards personal getting-to-know-each-other stuff.

This has not worked. At all.
I've gotten responses from probably a third of the girls I've messaged. One girl, after one message, suggested we meet up for a drink...then called it off randomly. Another abruptly stopped responding for no apparent reason. The best I've done was playing facebook and chatting with some chick on facebook, but there wasn't a whole lot of interest from either side, I think.

Any suggestions to improve my game? In my profile I mention that I just got out of a long-term relationship, and that I'm not looking to get serious. In the "looking for" section I list short-term dating, casual sex, new friends, and activity partners. Should I maybe add in long-term dating and take out the casual sex?

My actual goal is obviously sex. My ideal would be going on a few dates with a girl and then porking, calling her, and porking more, but not getting serious. Also definitely into meeting once, porking, and not calling. Or calling, whatever. Point is, I'm not trying to be a shallow douche and I'm not unwilling to try and engage emotionally with these girls or put time in, but my end goal is sex, although I'd be open to the idea of a relationship if the right girl came along.

I know some of you fuckers use dating sites, so...let's hear it.

Best way of going about this is just being totally upfront. You'd be surprised at how many more responses you'll get if you're just honest. Besides, you'll attract that specific type of person you're looking for as opposed to the girls on their looking for love and whatnot.

If you just want to make friends and fuck, then just put new friends, short-term dating, and casual sex. I wouldn't mention anything about past relationships though, that's just kind of weird. Just talk about how you like having a good time, meeting new people, this and that and whatever. That would be my advice.

Having said all that, the girls on those sites are infinitely more picky no matter what because they can be. Even hot guys would be lucky to snag a few girls a year on those websites. I have a friend who is pretty good looking as well and he goes through "dry spells" ranging from months to even a year or more. I just gave up on that site because of the girls not responding and failure to capitalize due to the craziness of some of those broads once I met them in person. I have way more "luck" approaching/meeting girls in person than I did over the interwebs. Prime example would be the girl I'm going on a date with Friday. I made two or three comments to her at the party I went to two weeks ago and she ended up getting ahold of me, not the other way around. I blame it on my infectious personality tbh.
I remember that Rick put something along the lines of 'Women don't have the balls to actually message guys about their profile, so what's the point of actually making one of these?' or something and he got an increased number of responses.

It was basically calling out women for being way too selective

Ha, ya, that was a pretty slick line. The more aggressive girls read that as a challenge and "just had to respond," which was my intention. Some of the more shy/picky ones decide to message me as a way of just "going out on a limb." Either way it was a pretty successful tactic.