Males and Females

i've posted this photo so many times because it's actually one of my favorie photos and here's why

you can't see her pussy lips or nipples, her nipples aren't covered by a "hand-bra" and it's not the looking-at-the-side-of the-hip&thigh christmas pic where she's clearly pantsless
this picture is actually a "safe for work" picture

i love all the different "color-contrasts"
her hair is wet and therefore looks darker than in her other pictures, dark enough to sharply contrast her pale skin-tone and the red lipstick, the lipstick itself is red as opposed to a dark purple or black in order for the lipstick to sharply contrast the black dress just as well contrasting the pale face, the leather-looking dress is black (as opposed to the canary-yellow or hot-pink that she wears in other photoshoots) to sharply contrast both her pale skintone and the white background

it's a well-made picture, the white backgound is not just a white sheet in somebody's bedroom, this is clearly a studio-made picture, with lighting good enough that the color-contrasts are not merely visible, but very attention-grabbing

in the pictures where she's wearing the canary-yellow dress and the pictures where she's wearing the bright pink dress, there's a hyper-active and hypre-playfull kind of sexiness going on, but in this picture, it's a much more srious-tone-type-sexuality, in this picture she looks like a dominatrix, like she's commanding you to make her orgasm, i like that

she's looking straight at the camera, i hate "sexy" pics where you're looking at the back of her head or where she's intensly staring at something that's not the camera

it's a piture i post so much because it's not really an "ass-shot", you boob-lovers out there can actually see her boobs in this pic as opposed to one of those ass-shots where you're looking at her shoulder-blades


i have a costuming fetish,
so for me,
this dress is sexi-er than a naked woman

seriously wondering why no one else can apretiate the beauty of my favorite London Andrews pic
Apparently this woman has about 20lbs to lose.

honestly this woman actually looks the exact same fucking size as London Andrews if not 2 pounds fatter
Blue-Haired-Boy is leaving Texas on a bus late tonight
he'll have a layover and be in D.C. till 11 AM tommorrow
when he'll board another bus to Richmond Virginia
he's never been east of the mississippi river and
he's leaving to go live with a woman that's never been west of the missippi river
they met each other on facebook a mere month ago

everyone's so obsessed about london andrews being fat that everyone just skipped over this post
20 pounds overweight can still be atractive, you say
but you don't tell me exactly what "over/underweight" is

show me a picture of someone that's exactly 20 pounds overweight

baby damnromulans circa 2002 at exactly 20 pounds over BMI of 25 (cutoff for "overweight"


Effigy, how old are you/girl who just dumped you?
Holy fuck, monoxide...die.

Effigy, its only 3 months. You'll be fine, and hate to break it to you, you'll suffer much greater hardships in the future.
Blue-Haired-Boy is leaving Texas on a bus late tonight
he'll have a layover and be in D.C. till 11 AM tommorrow
when he'll board another bus to Richmond Virginia
he's never been east of the mississippi river and
he's leaving to go live with a woman that's never been west of the missippi river
they met each other on facebook a mere month ago

seriously asking
why the fucking hell is no one responding to this^^??
It's funny when Mr. Hardass troll finally breaks it to the forum that he's a loser with massive self-esteem issues.

And monoxide totally needs to quote himself and ask why people aren't responding to his retarded shit more. It's a great tactic that is obviously working.