Males and Females

So my woman and I started off as non-monogamous and that was pretty clutch but for a while now she's insisted on monogamy. And I love her, so I went with it, but lately it's been bugging me. I'd feel like an asshole leaving her over it but it's not like the thought hasn't crossed my mind. I wouldn't be railing chicks left and right or anything, it's just nice to see a hot chick and know that theoretically I could be all up on that.
I wouldn't assume that desires for open relationships are deliberate traps into exclusive relationships like that. It's natural to develop those feelings if the two partners turn out to be compatible in the longterm. I think her desire for monogamy stems from a fear you'll develop those feelings for someone else you were sleeping with.
Yeah I don't believe it was a trap. She honestly thought she wouldn't mind at the start. I guess one of the other things that bothers me is she's a lot more attached than I am. I like some alone time and I feel a bit smothered. Might have to have a Serious Talk or something, but that means finding a way to articulate my feelings that won't unduly upset her and I'm not great at that shit.
Melt your face and then each day you can draw a new one on the waxy canvas. It won't matter if you piss anyone off.
Yeah I don't believe it was a trap. She honestly thought she wouldn't mind at the start. I guess one of the other things that bothers me is she's a lot more attached than I am. I like some alone time and I feel a bit smothered. Might have to have a Serious Talk or something, but that means finding a way to articulate my feelings that won't unduly upset her and I'm not great at that shit.

Did she ever get with other dudes? Because if not, you should have known better.

Its kinda weird a chick is cool with that. Or a guy for that matter. Good luck finding the chick who feels the same way you do without having low self esteem or being likewise flawed. Exclusivity tends to just make a relationship seem more special, IMO. A special little secret of dirty sex and vulnerable thoughts between two special little people.
Open relationships are a complicated thing, I feel that if you want to fuck around, don't be in a relationship of any category, because relationships lead to strong emotions.
It'll end up being a giant clusterfuck that nobody wins in.
I've met some couples who were successfully open. It takes a certain type. I've come to the conclusion that I myself am reasonably well-suited for non-monogamy. I'd hoped that my woman would grow secure enough in our relationship for us to re-open it but I suspect this will not be the case.

It's not like our sex life is inadequate in any way. A lot of people would kill for it. So the notion of breaking up over this seems ridiculous at best, but at the same time I feel like it has the potential to eat at me.
Waif, sounds like you just need to talk to her. I know you said its difficult to communicate without hurting her feelings, but if you dont, yeah this will eat away at you and it will cause much more pain down the road.

If shes the right woman for you, she will look past the communication barrier you have. But you need to talk to her about it.

I've met some couples who were successfully open. It takes a certain type. I've come to the conclusion that I myself am reasonably well-suited for non-monogamy. I'd hoped that my woman would grow secure enough in our relationship for us to re-open it but I suspect this will not be the case.

It's not like our sex life is inadequate in any way. A lot of people would kill for it. So the notion of breaking up over this seems ridiculous at best, but at the same time I feel like it has the potential to eat at me.

Success based on what though? Exterior appearances don't necessarily mean shit isn't slowly falling apart.

Admittedly it's a concept I can't wrap my head around.
I have more female friends that have been in them than males (though I do have more female friends).

I've been in two. Most people's confusion or insistence that they won't/can't work seems to stem from their own insecurities.