Manes 'View' makes me urinate oh so gloriously!

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
In the spirit of continuing with the urinating titles for Manes . . .

This truly does sound like an EP. It is quite experimental, but not in a weird way. I don't know if their next full length will be quite like this, but this EP is definite step forward for the band. There's no way I'm going to say this is better than 'Vilosophe', because it's not. Lot's more electronics and stuff, but mostly because there are some remixes and such.

This is a LONG way from being "metal". Still easily worth the money, though.
itt we get completely new band members except 1 dude and completely change our music styles yet keep the original band name several years after our classic album was released
under ein blodraud maane is an underrated classic. people should talk about it more.

vilosophe was pretty good. but yeah, change the band name
I only drink coffee when I have school. I need something to help me wake up. When i'm not at school. I drink water, and the odd cup of tea.

Manes can do whatever the fuck they want with their own band name, it is theirs and not some johnny-come-lately fan's property.

I like this EP, not sure if I'm urinating yet, but only heard it once.