
I have followed Manowar since Battle Hymns. As a youth I loved this band very much! For me, The Triumph of steel was the last good album by these guys. ZOD, if you ever liked Manowar you should give Triumph of Steel a spin.

I agree with the over done songs about metal, and fans, and themselves. They went to the well too many times with these. I can’t blame them as it obviously sells.

I have seen them twice……both times at Ziggy’s in Winston Salem. The first time was far better in that the sound was good and Joey did not speak. (I had to listen to 3 bad death metal bands though in support) :erk:

The second show was great in that Rhapsody was on the bill and they killed. The Manowar sound was not good at all. Because they were filming for a dvd, Joey opened his mouth and it all went down hill from there. That is just my opinion……I am sure others loved the set but at 40 years old, I don’t need my older than me metal band talking about eating female parts and telling a little boy (some ignorant ass parents brought their 5-6 year old son to the show and Joey brought him on stage and gave him a shirt with naked women and a demon on it) that everything he needed to know about in life was on that shirt. I don’t mean to sound like a dried up “not metal” old dude but I can assure you that my child will not be found at a Manowar show. I fault the parents for bringing such young kids but Joey stooped to an all time low for me on that show. You know, if Joey wants to pull consenting adult ladies out of the crowd and expose them on stage that is one thing as it was a “consenting adult”, but don’t drag little kids into it. Maybe that’s just me and I am sure there will be those that will be all “that’s metal and those kids are metal and they are getting an awesome metal start in life from an awesome metal dude in an awesome metal band”

Alright……off my protective daddy rant………That aside, I am a huge fan of older Manowar.

In regard to the question about Virgin Steel…….for me VS is not in the same league as Manowar. ( sorry Jason)
Saw Manowar last time they where here in US. Met Joey and Karl. Meeting Joey was definetly an experience. Told him how great it was to finally see them live and he proceeded to tell me "We are gonna blow the roof off this sh#thole tonite" Manowar are a great band true legends but sometimes come up short like the last couple of releases have paled compared to older stuff. Just WISH they would actually tour the US(where they call home) again soon.
How can you not like a band who comes up with such brilliant lyrics like "...we come for the number one, not the number two!"
I do own all their albums, however, and my favorites are probably "Into Glory Ride" and " Hail To England". Favorite tunes would be stuff like Battle Hymn and March For Revenge. When they're on, they can write the best epic metal ever. When they're not....well.....they're just goofy. It's not too often that I can really like a band and be embarrassed by them at the same time. Ahhhhh....the beauty of Manowar!!! Made of steel, not clay!!!
I love MANOWAR and have taken bullets for them countless times on this forum. I'm 39 years old and grew up with this band all through high school. I still LOVE them today and will continue to do so in the future.
I love MANOWAR and have taken bullets for them countless times on this forum. I'm 39 years old and grew up with this band all through high school. I still LOVE them today and will continue to do so in the future.
This is one of the reasons you're one of my faves on these boards, my true brother of metal!:headbang::kickass: Hail and kill!
There is a band out there named after my handle? Do tell? What are they like? I know some folks have had a problem with their "personas" but all I can say is the guys have never been anything but ultra cool to me. Had some of the best experiences of my life to their music or at their shows or after shows.

I know they are cheezy and I do miss the more free flowing variety of the early stuff - a lot of the later stuff seems to be waaaaay to over produced and repetitive - but when they let loose they can still bring it.

They are just one of those bands (we all have them) that I will always support no matter what - they are a huge part of the soundtrack of my life.

Back to the Avalanche playoff game,
There is a band out there named after my handle? Do tell? What are they like? I know some folks have had a problem with their "personas" but all I can say is the guys have never been anything but ultra cool to me. Had some of the best experiences of my life to their music or at their shows or after shows.

I know they are cheezy and I do miss the more free flowing variety of the early stuff - a lot of the later stuff seems to be waaaaay to over produced and repetitive - but when they let loose they can still bring it.

They are just one of those bands (we all have them) that I will always support no matter what - they are a huge part of the soundtrack of my life.

Back to the Avalanche playoff game,
Say man, when is Jag Panzer gonna release a new CD and tour again? We'd LOVE to see them play a future PPUSA! BTW, I hope the Avs beat the Wild in this series!:headbang:
I dunno - I totally missed going to see Harry at a club down the street - think it was a couple of weekends ago now. I was gonna ask him about anything new from JP, if Chris is still in the band even though he is touring with Megadeth (can't blame a guy for wanting to earn some money during downtime). I THINK they are doing some euro festival shows this summer but to be honest - I've been out of the loop with things local while formulating my ProgPower plans. Now taht I ahve the $$$ I need to send Glenn as my Jon Oliva's Pain spoonsorship - maybe I can start working on getting JP there next year :)

I dunno - I totally missed going to see Harry at a club down the street - think it was a couple of weekends ago now. I was gonna ask him about anything new from JP, if Chris is still in the band even though he is touring with Megadeth (can't blame a guy for wanting to earn some money during downtime). I THINK they are doing some euro festival shows this summer but to be honest - I've been out of the loop with things local while formulating my ProgPower plans. Now taht I ahve the $$$ I need to send Glenn as my Jon Oliva's Pain spoonsorship - maybe I can start working on getting JP there next year :)

That would freakin' rule, dude! See what you can do.
Sounds like you need to start a savings account just for that purpose. The trip will be awesome and the memories worth every penny. I've lived in Germany and any opportunity, any excuse to get back to Europe is worth it. We're also going to see Diablo Swing Orchestra the week before, not too far from the Manowar fest site. There are tons of music fests across Europe in the summer. I receive mailings from the tourism office in Belgium and for such a tiny country, they have a LOT of music events. We have an amazing agenda for our trip!