Marshall JVM teaser, noisiest amp ever?

think it´s normal for that JVM. I own and play a 210H in my band and it´s very noisy.
pulling down the OD chanel volumen and rise the mastervolumen helps a little.
for the rest i got a isp decimator in the serial loop. that kills the noise complete without to much tone suck.

greetz septic
Noisy, but they sound fucking awesome imo. Got a loan of one when my new Orange arrived with a dent in it and I wish I'd had the cash to buy the marshall aswell! Might grab one at some point as there's loads on ebay.
I had a jvm410 and the noise was unreal which eventually ended with
me selling the amp, interference, hiss, hum, you name it.
Absoloutly piss poor.

I had a jcm800kk prior to this and it slayed the jvm.
Had a band bring one in recently and it was very noisy.
They were playing very riffy stop start stuff and we ended up using my 6505.
My JVM isn't much noisier than my 6505 ...
I love the tone you got there. Care to share some details (Cab, Mic, quad-tracked)?
sounds great to me, I have both the 5150 and JVM and the 5150 is louder, but both have there share of noise but thats what you get from high gain...oh btw you want unforgiving try the a VHT
yeah, when i tried the jvm in a store it was noisy as fuck. way moreso than my 5150, and that's quite a statement.