MArshall Valvestate 8100

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
Based on my recent GAS purchase I thought it's time we had a 8100 appreciaten thread.

Let's start with some classic (or modern classic( recordings etc that were done with this amp...

from the top of my head:

Chuck's tone in Death
The Arcane Order - In The Wake Of Collisions
Raunchy (actually a lot of Jacob Hansen's stuff is Recto + VS I think)
Hatesphere - The Sickness within

add some more!
My first amp was a Marshall VS265, its the series two valvestate 2x12 combo so not quite an 8100 but it was pretty rockin. I still have it and was thinking about converting it to a head
I'd like to hear the VS8100 raw tracks from these albums! It was probably used as a tight crunch added to the Recto?
Afaik it was used on almost every Prong record, seems like Tommy Victor loves that amp (saw a pic of him
once with a pretty huge rack with 2 or 3 of them in there).
Read somewhere that Dino Cazares used on one of the Divine Heresey albums.

English Wikipedia also says, that a Valvestate was also featured on Decapitated's "Nihility" and "Carnival
is Forever", no clue about "Nihility", but "Carnival is Forever" doesn't feature one afaik.

Frederik Thorendal used one on his solo album-didn't he?
Frederik Thorendal used one on his solo album-didn't he?

Meshuggah overall used to use these quite a bit, though IIRC they were mostly used live.

I used to own the 8240 2x12" combo from the series, got it for really cheap and honestly, it was a killer amp for rhythms. The chorus it had was also okay, though not any jazz chorus levels of goodness. The amp was just too heavy to carry around and such, so I sold it.

I'll probably get one of those heads to sit around at the rehearsal place if I happen to encounter one for cheap.
My friend found one of these at a garage sale for 20 bucks, had a blown resistor so we found that one at our job and popped it in, works gravy to this day.
mickrich, that sounds crushing!

I wonder how well it does something a bit more Sneap-ish-sounding, tho.

I don't think I've ever heard a clip of it boosted either.
Jacob Hansen said:
"I use different amps for different occasions. Just did the new Nightrage with 5150 and the Recto head, although the Valvestate was used for leads. Nice firm tone.

The new Fear My Thoughts is Recto + 5150 as well. We tried a number of amps. Ended up with classic stuff...

I've done The burning ( with an Engl Savage 120, which sounded nice. Communic with a Powerball (as far as I remember).

They're mostly all tweaked a little bit with either the rge-10 or BBE sonic maximizer 362 or similiar.

On Raunchy it's Recto + Valvestate. I've used that combination quite often, as the tightness of the Valvestate really adds to the sound, instead of having 2 tube heads being "slow" and "warm"."

"MusicMan Stingray - best ever metal bass. Try it with a SansAmp Bassdriver/DI. Or run line into your system and add SansAmp software"

Jacob Hansen

Damn. How do the newer ones compare to the 8100? A buddy of mine has a Valvestate but I believe it's the newer VS100 and not the 8100... I don't remember it sounding all too amazing, but I'm not sure if I ever plugged it into a semi decent cab...
Ive owned 2 different 8100 amps and an 8200 for a long time. Great workhorse amps. The first time I saw Meshuggah in NYC they both had 8100s.
Damn, just went back and reamped guitars again for a project I've been working on...replaced those dreadful Engl guitars (yeah, I wanted to use it cause it was new ;) )...
8100 rules