MASTODON: DREAM THEATER 'Dress Gay' And 'Have A Little Chinese Girl Playing Bass'

I've seen Dt live two times and maybe it was just me but I was far away from sleeping.anyway,Mastodon is much boring in my opinion.
I think I saw dream theater on a tour with queensryche and fates warning? I have NO idea why I can't remember DT's part of the set, pretty sure I didn't sleep though, even though I was in the most comfortable chair ever for a concert and the theater was air conditioned and soooo cozy, maybe I really did sleep, hm.

Before that I saw them on a tour with Spock's Beard (and the super crazy asian guy on keyboards was the real star there), but they weren't boring either, and FULL of energy. The only downside was they played so freakin' long, and then when they came back with an encore of A CHANGE OF SEASONS.. jeebus! it never ended.
neal said:
you just dont like anything cool.

I sure dislike KMFDM even that's what I call shit music.anyway,you go on liking "cool" music,I keep listening to uncool one.