maudlin of the Well / Kayo Dot


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Well I know several of us forum regulars already know the greatness of this band, but I think the others would appreciate these guys on different levels as well.

Dreamlord and npearce: Kayo Dot is nuts. I think you two would love Choirs of the Eye because it is so unpredictable. It's not necessarily the sound of flesh ripping, but still very chaotic.

JayKeeley: You will poop yourself silly over Heaven and Weak from motW - Bath, I guarantee it.

Black Winter Day: With your love of KC, Alan Parson's Project, etc., you should pick these CDs up sometime. Tomorrow would be good.

Discuss. :Spin:

Oh yeah, and lots of people make comparisons to Opeth for whatever reason. No. The only similarities are that both bands use dynamics and long songs. That makes them about as similar to Beethoven as to one another. :err:
I've been interested for a while. To be honest, it was Demonspell's assessment of Kayo Dot that sold me.

I could be way off target here, but are they anything like Ephel Duath? For what it's worth, I just don't listen to ED anymore and I'm wondering if a band like MotW or Kayo Dot has that similar 1-month shelf life before it starts to collect dust.
I could be way off target here, but are they anything like Ephel Duath?

Not really, their songs are more epic in lenght. Not ver accesible but to my ears are a lot heavier in a doomier way than Ephel Duath.

For what it's worth, I just don't listen to ED anymore and I'm wondering if a band like MotW or Kayo Dot has that similar 1-month shelf life before it starts to collect dust.
I ebayed my ED disc as well, not something that made me replay it. I have a feeling this might happen to motw as well. I can certainly appreciate these "talented" bands but they have little in the way of entertainment value. I listen to most of my discs in the car and neither band is "driving music" :)
Trust me, it won't happen with the motW discs, they are simply incredible and epic. =)
Heaven and Weak is just simply one of the greatest songs ever.
Exactly what Demonspell said. motW / Kayo Dot builds their songs very slowly, but the climaxes are very worthwhile. There is a moment on CotE that is mindblowing, it sounds like a giant whirlwind and even when you think it couldn't possibly get any louder, it keeps coming at you. Don't remember which track though, d'oh.

I don't listen to ED much anymore, but they never completely grabbed me anyhow. Those two singers bother me especially. One of them left the band already, just get rid of the other one and I'll pick up their next CD. :D

I'm finally starting to realize how great Kayo Dot is. Until recently I had wished motW had stayed together, but this stuff is forging new paths for music.
Im not very much into Kayo Dot, although I must admit that I havent given it many spins.

As for MoTW...they are def one of my favorite groups....Leaving Your Body Map is an amazing album and def my fav motw album.
Kayo Dot isn't exactly the easiest album to find either. Usual outlets don't carry them, but then I haven't been looking *that* hard to be honest. I'm wary of the Buffet Metal that it might be, and I sense a CD-R upfront might be prudent. Indeed.
JayKeeley said:
Kayo Dot isn't exactly the easiest album to find either. Usual outlets don't carry them, but then I haven't been looking *that* hard to be honest. I'm wary of the Buffet Metal that it might be, and I sense a CD-R upfront might be prudent. Indeed.

LMAO....let me know if ya need any help.
I got mine from The End. Nope, don't have it anymore. What's strange though is that for whatever reason, my shopping cart has Katatonia - Tonight's Decision in it, and I've had that album for months now. :loco:

Kayo Dot flows seamlessly from the various styles, so the "buffeting" effect doesn't really come into play for me. Of course, this probably also is due to the fact that the entire album sounds completely unstructured, like one long jam session.

Anyhow, if'n you want'n any CD-Rs'n, you let'n me know'n. I still say you should go for maudlin of the Well before Kayo Dot though, even though I'm starting to like KD more. :)
I agree, start with the simulatneously released MOTW may explain how they manage to blend such divergent influences in unique forms, though it may not necessarily make COTE, which I actually find to be more structured than MOTW, most likely due to its emphasis on composition, any easier to understand...
I'm mainly bumping this for BWD, but also because of the fact that it is windy and very sunny today and this music is PERFECT for this weather.
I haven't heard one song from either of these bands. To be honest, I really don't have a dying desire to, either. I think descriptions and reviews I've read have really turned me off, with descriptions of them throwing everything but the kitchen sink into their music, and with the whole Kayo Dot vs Metal Scene thing making them sound very pretentious. Plus, comparisons to Opeth never really help, either. Dumb names, too.

Maybe if I see some of the CDs for cheap I'll grab 'em.
J. said:
Plus, comparisons to Opeth never really help, either.
NO NO NO NO NO. Seriously, I don't know how ANYONE can compare these guys to Opeth in any way shape or form. Oh wait, they have long songs and also (this is the big one) they play musical instruments. Anyhow, I'm not picking on you J., I've just seen the comparison done countless times and it bugs me. :loco:

Oh yeah I don't think you'd like them (looks like I did when I created this thread though), but you never know.