maudlin of the Well / Kayo Dot

One Inch Man said:
JayKeeley: You will poop yourself silly over Heaven and Weak from motW - Bath, I guarantee it.
I remember liking Bath more than the Kayo Dot stuff just because it's a tad more accessible perhaps, but you know, none of this is exactly instant music so I won't decide yet until I've given it all a fair chance. I'll get back to you at some point in the next 24 months.
One Inch Man said:
NO NO NO NO NO. Seriously, I don't know how ANYONE can compare these guys to Opeth in any way shape or form. Oh wait, they have long songs and also (this is the big one) they play musical instruments. Anyhow, I'm not picking on you J., I've just seen the comparison done countless times and it bugs me. :loco:

Oh yeah I don't think you'd like them (looks like I did when I created this thread though), but you never know.
Since Blackwater Pack has been released , Opeth have , part mistakenly , embodied the epicness the progressive and whatever is good-and-not conventionnal side of Metal in every positive review I've read (bulk of it let's say).

motW happen to start from 10 to 100 decibels in 2 seconds and vice-versa , not like Opeth at all . It's hard to figure J. could appreciate them though :)
as for shelf life, I've been spinning Kayo Dot for months now and constantly find new aspects to appreciate. Greg doesn't waste time shredding just for shred's sake, each aspect of the music has a purpose...I'm finding like someone said above, the music moves with a purpose towards a goal, building the tension until it explodes in a cacophonic fury. The last three songs feature violin which adds an interesting spin.
The motW stuff is clearly a precursor, and more "metal"...but if you follow My Fruit to Bath/Body Map (two separately issued discs but one single project, same artwork with different colors), and then to Kayo Dot (which in terms of the creative forces is is essence the same people) you can see the organic process of development.
If you asked me over a year ago and described this to me I would not have been intrigued at all...I generally shy away from anything which some call avante garde or experimental, but this is surprisingly accessible. Definitely a band which defies preconceptions. I can see how some are automatically not going to like this, and that's cool, but if a part of you goes for something with a little more adventure, then try it.
I found my copy in Virgin under Dot, Kayo, as if it were a person :( Someone else on the KD board said the same thing. The motW discs I had to order; Body Map was still at Dark Symphonies but the other two I had to hunt for and located them finally at metaldisc.
It's kind of nice to listen to lyrics which aren't about how daddy and mommy were mean to me and I hate the world and all women are bitches and ho's but hot and satan rules and christians suck.

I do not see the comparisons to Opeth at all, other than some of the quieter opeth passages, and a willingness to try new things.
Bath + LYBM + MFP.. a seed combustible , 25 $ @ D.Symphonies ruled . Too bad the 'poster' kinda suck :ill:
Νοw, let's see. It's been quite a while since I last posted in UM. I guess I qualify as new member here, so nice to have found you all.

I really loved Bath and Leaving your body map and thought that MotW was one of the most intriguing bands I had listened in a while. A little time ago, I managed to listen to the Kayo Dot album and frankly I wasn't really impressed. It seems to me that something's missing in order to consider it a great album. And while I love post-rock, the genre they seem to want to approach, I didn't find Choris of the eye all that exciting. I may need to give the album one more chance, but I hope the next one is much better.
Yeah I picked up the 3 / $25 + poster thingy as well, the poster is cool but it was packaged all fucked up from Dork Symphonies.

@Demonspell, I'll have to check out that site then. :lol: :loco:
Kveldssanger said:
Νοw, let's see. It's been quite a while since I last posted in UM. I guess I qualify as new member here, so nice to have found you all.
I believe I remember you from some Ulver and Future Sound of London discussions over at GMD...
Kveldssanger said:
Νοw, let's see. It's been quite a while since I last posted in UM. I guess I qualify as new member here, so nice to have found you all.

I really loved Bath and Leaving your body map and thought that MotW was one of the most intriguing bands I had listened in a while. A little time ago, I managed to listen to the Kayo Dot album and frankly I wasn't really impressed. It seems to me that something's missing in order to consider it a great album. And while I love post-rock, the genre they seem to want to approach, I didn't find Choris of the eye all that exciting. I may need to give the album one more chance, but I hope the next one is much better.

Welcome & NICE AVATAR! :wave:
I haev not the intelligencies to like anything beyond NSBM because as you can teh see by my avitar I am the pinnacal of the white race.
Poop. To me, maudlin of the Well is pretentious wankery and every NSBM band I care to listen to is vastly superior. Who fucking cares anyway? I THINK WE CAN CLOSE TEH BOOK ON THIS ONE FOLKS:D:D:D: :COOL.
J. said:
Maudlin, better than Drudkh?
By a longshot, and I love Drudkh.

motW = not pretentious. At all. I think their forum proves that, they are a bunch of frickin' goofballs. This isn't objective fact though, not like that Opeth comparison, which, objectively speaking, is untrue. :)