Meet Your MDFers 2


Mar 30, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
I thought this was fun last year, so I figured we'd do it again.

Just post a little about yourself and other gay shit like that.

My name is Mike, most of you all already know me. I enjoy reading Tolkien, Lovecraft, and Shakespeare. Me and some of the Peoria bros play in a traditional doom metal band called Olórin (Demo CD coming out soon) with fellow UMer Andy Phelps (V5) on vocals. I am currently a sophmore at a community college studying English and Literature and I plan on attending Northern Illinois University for Fall 2011 semester. I enjoy pizza buffets, drinking beer, and wearing my patch jacket.

Can't wait for MDF this year. It's going to be incredible amounts of awesome.

Here is a somewhat recent picture of me being a gigantic fag.

Oh god, Pall Malls.

Anyways, name's David - and yes I'm the 'token hipster fag' around here - though lately I've found myself drawn away from that shit and back into metal. Currently work at Walgreens (anyone need a discount on shit while at MDF :p), and plan to finally get my ass back to school this year after a 2 almost 3 year break - to study environmental science.

Here I am looking about a gay as I do every day:

My name is Jeremy. I like mainly old school traditional and extreme metal, but also adore classical and EBM/Industrial music. I host a Metal radio show on my college station, The Ministry of Metal, though the webstream has been down a while and may or may not be up soon.

When you meet me I will have just graduated from the University of Maine with a double degree in Latin and European History. I aim to become a Roman historian. Naturally I'm a full-blown academic, but enjoy fine beer, ethnic food and for physical activity I participate in the juggling club at my school. I can bring some equipment and teach you guys. Great way to attract the ladies.

As a few here have witnessed, I practice the fine art of working my way to the front at concerts.

Here is a picture of me cooking Polish food.
I actually don't wear it much because it's an XL and I wear L. If you have a large shirt in decent condition I'll gladly trade.
I'm Guy. I'm an enthusiast of true metal of death, but I've recently been kneeling at the altar of various classical styles and shit like Joy Division and Kraftwerk at an increasing rate. As of right now I'm a freshman at Bradley University majoring in philosophy and mathematics, though I plan on pursuing a career in the former. When I'm not doing drone work at a local convenience store, I like to read (philosophy, math, and classic fiction mainly) and watch Seinfeld.

Here's a picture I snapped of myself a couple of nights ago:

Naturally I'm a full-blown academic, but enjoy fine beer, ethnic food and for physical activity I participate in the juggling club at my school. I can bring some equipment and teach you guys. Great way to attract the ladies.[/img]

Extremely false statement.

(I know that "extremely false" doesn't make sense, I just think that in this case it does)
I'm Kristian(or just simply Kris), my favorite subgenre of metal is traditional metal but I also enjoy the others, outside of metal I like progressive rock and punk, as well as a few other bands here and there. I graduated high school last year and I work at the Belfast Coop (a natural foods store) as a custodian and a cashier. I enjoy video games, watching Seinfeld, as well as just chilling out. I'm a pretty relaxed dude and well, that's it really.


A year old picture, probably not the best one but oh well.
I'm Jordan brown. I like drinking beer and pizza. Metal is cool too.

i look like jabba th hut on a good day

Kiss is my favorite band

EDIT: More info : I'm an enthusiast of true metal of death, but I've recently been kneeling at the altar of various classical styles and shit like Joy Division and Kraftwerk at an increasing rate. As of right now I'm a freshman at Bradley University majoring in philosophy and mathematics, though I plan on pursuing a career in the former. When I'm not doing drone work at a local convenience store, I like to read (philosophy, math, and classic fiction mainly) and watch Seinfeld.
It didn't surprise me that most metalheads in here seem to look a lot like Dino Cazares. Pizza is almost non-existing up here in the North, unlike America the fat.
I'm pretty sure I eat pizza all the time and am not even close to being considered fat. I would also include most of the people I know as well. So really, what does that say about your neck of the woods? Depraved much? I think so.
