Meeting up backstage...

I suggest to leave as soon as the show is over...push and shove your way out if you have to...and find the busses...

Me and my friends saw where the busses were before the In Flames show when they played in Jersey with DT and as soon as the show was over...we just went to the busses and they were all cool about meeting their pictures and autographs and talked to Peter and Bjorn...really nice guys....
Well, over here at the Pound in SF, most of the artists usually come out on the floor to hang out after the show is over, and if you want to meet them, just stick around.
Every metal show I goto, I always see the really hot chicks backstage with passes. Also, only chicks get invited back to the busses to hang out, its a common fact. Why do you think every interviewer (webzines, fanzines, zines) in the metal scene is a hot chick, because they are the one's who "know" the bands. There are ways of meeting the guys if you aren't a chick, but its really hard, and some luck is involved. Waiting outside the venue way before the show starts works, as well as right after the show ends. When the opening bandds are playing, the headliners may be walking around, or at the bar. Good Luck.
I'd probably piss in my pants when I do get to "meet" in start having a conversation with any great bands.

:( I'd probably start making some speech right now if I planned to... (right now... I'm too scared to actually even CONSIDER talking to anyone of them... :lol: )

I'd get their autograph and run away.
Originally posted by The holy one
I'd probably piss in my pants when I do get to "meet" in start having a conversation with any great bands.

:( I'd probably start making some speech right now if I planned to... (right now... I'm too scared to actually even CONSIDER talking to anyone of them... :lol: )

I'd get their autograph and run away.

I never really understood all that... Sure, they're well known I guess...

But they're just regular people (for the most part) just doing their job.... which is to entertain you.
They're just doing their job, but you appreciate them for doing their job because it has somehow directly affected you.. I mean as soon as someone released as recording or stars in a movie they're 'famous' you know, haha... and Opeth have to be the most famous underground people right now. But personally I'd like to just talk to em, not as a fan but kind of as another person and just kinda hold a normal discussion that isn't along the lines of 'omgomgomgomg I LOVE YOUR MUSTACHE!'
My mates and I met Burton and Ray from FF, actually I started talking to Burt at a signing (fucking impossible to do these days)and he recognised me at the concert and said Hi, we started talking about shit, music mostly and how the tour had been going, he signed some more stuff for us, he was a fucking champ! He promised to keep an eye out for us at his next concert.

Pitty they broke up, *sigh*.

Talk to 'em like normal people, and try at the very least to get their phone number :)
Backstage pass? Well I know Chris from Stabbing Westward and he told me he'd set me up with a backstage pass next time their new band passes through here... so I'm assuming you either have to win backstage passes at radio shows or know the band playing, or the promoters or whatnot.