Memorial Day is a Joke and so is your Face

I can't choose to not be an American tax payer without leaving the country and I don't plan on doing that...

I quite clearly stated it here.
Because on principle I won't join the military? Are you that dense?

You are missing the point. You are so strongly against the war machine that you won't enlist in the military, BUT you will support it by living in this country apparently if that isn't hypocritical I don't know what is.
Unfortunately, that's how ideology works. Mort is (I hope) fully aware that his actions contradict his words. We can say we oppose military buildup and intervention while being conscious of the fact that the taxes we pay go toward funding the military-industrial complex.

However, that doesn't justify ceasing to oppose it entirely, and advocating full vocal and monetary support is one of the most dangerous ideological positions I can think of. It entails a false consciousness so gratuitous as to border on the fictitious, in my opinion.

Proclaiming that someone so anti-American and anti-military should leave this country and seek shelter elsewhere is also an unfair reproach, because it precludes the ability of that person to protest by isolating them from the system. Furthermore, if people genuinely want to make this country better, and believe that opposing military buildup and intervention is the way to do so, then why should they be told to leave? Unless you disagree, of course, and believe that military buildup and foreign interventionist policies actually make our country better. In which case, we have a whole other argument on our hands.