mesa rectifier vs peavey 6505

I still can't get the files to work here (probably work firewalls), so I'll listen when I get home...but I'll just reiterate what I said get the best out of both pickups, you'd have to use different settings on both clips because I can't imagine that both sets of pickups have their optimal tone on the same settings.
djourkis Wow. This is... a bad sound. Both clips are the same btw.

FIRST - I think it would help if your guitar was in tune.

Second - Did you run this through a plugin like Izotope Trash or something? It sounds downright frightfully weird... sounds like a direct out perhaps or....

I dunno.. that sound is just scary... sounds like something reznor would use buried deep in a track or something.

how exactly did you record the guitar, dude?

edit: i re-read and see you used the slave out.. this would explain many things. you cannot just run a slave out direct - because it will sound like this. you need some type of speaker simulator if you plan on going direct, the cheapest one i know of being behringer ultra G for 30 dollars.
After passing it through a cab emulator, It's still out of tune but the sound isn't that horrible, not great but not horrible. I think you need to tune like Ether said, you need an OD, and you need to improve your playing a bit.
guys you're nice and i apreciate your concern but i'm playing since 8 years as i told don't you think i know how to tune a guitar
besides my studio comes back on monday so then i can record with a real microphone and the sound won't be as bad

because that was 128k mp3 it's normal that the sounddistords so much
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
I'm speechless... :D This is a great moment, thanks for this !
Sounds like Brett is jealous of your pickups...

...Just kidding :grin: Sorry...