Metal 2016

I don't know one damn thing on that list.


It might as well be titled "Don't Click This Unless You Like Pretentious Bullcrap"
It might as well be titled "Don't Click This Unless You Like Pretentious Bullcrap"

I hardly think offering new music and supporting local/small artists qualifies as that...but okeedokee. Comments like these tend to increase clicks anyways, so thanks. We all have our opinions. I'm curious now though, what's in your top 10?
Dead End Kings ruled

'The Racing Heart' rules, but the rest of the album kind of goes nowhere for me. There's almost a pun in that statement. At any rate I just think that songs like 'The Parting' and 'The One you are Looking For...' are boring. Still ok due to the Kataonia feel, but lacking in magic.
Do you have any idea how completed it was?

As far as I know it was completed, but they were unhappy with the way it was mixed. they were in the process of redoing it when he died.

I hope it's released, tbh I'll probably tear up like a bitch listening to it the first playthru if it is.
As far as I know it was completed, but they were unhappy with the way it was mixed. they were in the process of redoing it when he died.

I hope it's released, tbh I'll probably tear up like a bitch listening to it the first playthru if it is.

I don't cry over stuff because I'm emotionally retarded, but that is really sad shit. Hopefully they just release the bad mix or get it remixed. It needs to come out, their whole life has been an effort in re-releasing what has been forgotten, they can't fall short here.