Metal 2016

Obviously you like this band? %100 stand behind what I said, technical over produced metal is akin to AIDS for me and that's just the way it is.

You can't judge a band by their covers. There plenty of cool covers that cover bad albums. There are plenty of good albums in bad covers. Also In Hatred's Flame is not overproduced. You can't judge an entire band by their most recent covers. Their covers and style changed over the years.
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If me saying its crap or whatever hurts your feelings then I'd suggest you take a few spoons of cement and harden the fuck up..maybe if if I say I don't like it then that will help? Either way it's shit and I won't listen to it.
If me saying its crap or whatever hurts your feelings then I'd suggest you take a few spoons of cement and harden the fuck up..maybe if if I say I don't like it then that will help? Either way it's shit and I won't listen to it.

Lol it doesn't hurt my feelings one bit. I was just pointing out you're making yourself look like a buffoon judging shit by their covers and other people's reviews.
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I judge shit by the cover art all the time, especially modern stuff. It's fair play when one confidently knows their own taste. For example, without having heard this I know without a shadow of a doubt that it sucks:


Obviously there are exceptions. I also knew that I wouldn't like Exmortus prior to listening to them, but that was more to do with their genre description and seeing who praised them.
I judge shit by the cover art all the time, especially modern stuff. It's fair play when one confidently knows their own taste. For example, without having heard this I know without a shadow of a doubt that it sucks:


Obviously there are exceptions. I also knew that I wouldn't like Exmortus prior to listening to them, but that was more to do with their genre description and seeing who praised them.

I don't know your taste so I couldn't say if you'd like it or not. But I'm listening to that album now and it's not half bad. Black metal musically, with clean vocals and harmony. A tad repetitive but I'm pleasantly surprised.
You can absolutely tell if something is going to suck just going by descriptions/band photos/album art/logo but mistakes can be made, I thought Exmortus for the most part had killer album covers but I didn't like the music.

Maybe you're right since "modern" Thrash has next to no standards, bands like Bonded By Blood, Evile, Warbringer and Fueled By Fire are jizzed over constantly. I'd take Exmortus over all of them, but is that really saying a lot?
Bonded By Blood suck ass harder than Aug. Enter the Grave and Five Serpents Teeth are both pretty solid outings. First Fueled by Fire is trash, but how can you not like this ...

.... honestly, i just cant see how any metal fan can trash on the last two FbF albums or this ...

Oh my God that Fueled By Fire link was terrible, the drums sound like fucking ping pong.

The Warbringer link is a little better but it sounds so fucking compressed and overproduced. Decent vocals.

I don't understand how anybody could dislike Acts Of The Unspeakable or Shitfun so I guess we're even, fuckboy.
There's a difference between disliking an album and shitting on it.

I've never shat on anything from Autopsy(one of my favorite bands) .... but Shitfun is NOT a good piece of work. I dont know why you would mention Acts, as i've always liked that album.

Also, i prefer to listen to an album/band before deciding if i like them or not. You know, the logical way.
One song is usually enough to go by, unless they're a Progressive band or something. Also I didn't say you shat on anything, I purposely said "dislike."

The fact that you enjoy these overproduced kinds of bands and hate the rawest album by a band you like simply demonstrates the small yet deep chasm between our tastes.
I know, im saying you're shitting on bands without even listening to them. Also, i dislike Acts? News to me.


The fact that you enjoy these overproduced kinds of bands and hate the rawest album by a band you like simply demonstrates the small yet deep chasm between our tastes.

I dont hate anything form Autopsy. I just dont like that album. Its their worst piece of work by far and just about every single human being i know beside you will agree with me on that, especially their fanbase.

lol @ calling that FbF album overproduced, lmfao. :lol:
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but Shitfun is NOT a good piece of work

This is hating an album, I don't know why you're trying to tip-toe around it man.
When did I say I hate things before hearing them or when did I do it you crackhead?

Also that shit was super over-produced to my ears and it's my ears I'm trying to please. ;)
When did I say I hate things before hearing them or when did I do it you crackhead?
You can absolutely tell if something is going to suck just going by descriptions/band photos/album art/logo


it's my ears I'm trying to please. ;)

Are you sure? I didnt know cover art and band logos are pleasing to the ear :)

This is hating an album,

No, it is not. For example ... Megadeth have a few albums that i dont like, but their only album that i truly hate is Risk. And i can say the same thing for a lot of other bands, just because i dont like an album doesn't mean i hate it. But anyway, i say we just drop it here for the sake of the thread ;)
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No, it is not. For example ... Megadeth have a few albums that i dont like, but their only album that i truly hate is Risk. And i can say the same thing for a lot of other bands, just because i dont like an album doesn't mean i hate it. But anyway, i say we just drop it here for the sake of the thread ;)
