Metal 2016

Random explosions coming out of the cover art would be pretty metal..

By what standard? Slayer's first few records have fucking awesome cover art. What do you want? Michael Bay?

By your standard. If your standard is that 'if an album cover is shit, it probably sucks', why did you care to check out anything up to South of Heaven? Obviously the majority of those covers suck (with the exception being (maybe) Hell Awaits). You would have looked and the cover art and said 'Welp, it's probably shit'. People deprive themselves of what is probably really good music with that standard.

On the same token, I've checked stuff out based on awesome cover art and it's turned out to be not what I expected (see: Skeletonwitch). It goes both ways.

How can you say it's by my standard if I haven't told you how I define 'shit' when it comes to cover art? C'mon, this is basic stuff. Do I have to give you a handheld guide through logic buddy?
By what standard? Slayer's first few records have fucking awesome cover art.
I love all of Slayers early artwork, Hell Awaits being one of my all time favorite covers. I mean look at this ...


... pure fuckin' evil!

My favorite shirt ...
I judge albums based on the artwork all the time. I mean, the shittier the cover, the greater the album. Mortiis, Messiah, Attacker, all classic albums with atrocious artwork.
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Skeletonwitch's art is the exact reason I avoided them for so long and then when I checked them out and they inevitably sucked arse my instincts were validated. I hate that artist they use, same douchebag that seems to do all that hipster wank shit like Baroness and Kylesa etc.
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Skeletonwitch has some redeeming qualities, but they're not my favorite. The one album I own pretty much never gets played, but I do want their specific sound occasionally.

New Metal Church track "No Tomorrow" is really, really bad.
Lost Society has a new album coming out. Wtf happened? They went from being the youngest thrashers on the scene, with some fun songs, to being some unholy marriage of nu metal and Avenged Sevenfold.

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