Metal 2016

i've been going through pretty much the same thing for a while now. definitely the sub-genre i seek out the least out of the ones i historically love, these days. i'm especially burned out on that whole 'cavernous' -ation derived sound. there are always exceptions that make me excited about the genre again though, even if it's sometimes just relistening to albums i've loved for years.
Oh yeah, like, when Dead Congregation put out their new album in 2015 or whatever I got super excited. That thing rules hard.

Oh, and that Tyfon's Doom EP has been destroying me lately.
I remember you recommended me that Beyond album when I was looking for post-2000 death metal and I enjoyed it a lot. I'm still working my way though some of them actually, takes me a long time to really absorb an album. But the one I've probably enjoyed the most was Obliteration's Black Death Horizons. It's fucking disgusting and those hysteric vocals are the icing on the cake. The first track is a masterclass in setting the atmosphere for the upcoming filth. It's also a nice change to hear some death metal from Norway.
Listening to that Angel Sword album on bandcamp, fuck this is some catchy 70s-style heavy metal.

I've noticed that a lot of my favorite releases are coming from that Heavy Chains Records. I remember trying to get Olórin on there but he told me he was really only interested in getting Australian bands. Shame.