Metal 2016

Poor thing.

... lol how lame, are you going to hate every time someone posts something by a band you dont like? It's not our fault that you seem to have shitty taste in music.

Obscura > most of the shit you listen to.

Did I just upset you?

This ends now because it's going to turn into flaming.

CIG: You are completely finished with this shit. Stop now. We get that you don't like Obscura so shut your fucking trap about it because you're obviously trolling right now.
It's funny how there's still people that bash people on their music taste. Are we in high school again? Grow the fuck up dude.
There's people that bash people for what they like in every aspect of life. It's only okay to do it if they're being racist or sexist though. Everything else you have to accept.
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This was just announced, February 19.
