Metal 2016

Looking forward to the new Twelve Foot Ninja and Tool albums, although whether or not Tool is considered "metal" at all is up to the listener I suppose.
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I've been saying Mustaine's voice ruined Megadeth for years, and now suddenly it's not a "stupid opinion"?

i wouldn't go as far as ruined, i got over it eventually. i do think he's a pretty shit vocalist. probably moreso these days if the likes of hetfield and araya are anything to go by, but i haven't heard much recent megadeth, and don't particularly want to
Hello me! Meet the real me..


Edit: this forum is next level with posting images from a phone. Nice job Deron
i agree with that at times. i really enjoy him on the verses of 'peace sells' for example. but i also think he sounds pretty bad on the chorus when he's actually trying to *sing*.