Metal 2016

Full Car Bomb is up:

Also this just came out:

The band is made up of guys from Christbait, Blood Duster and Legends of Motorsport. I went to the album launch last night. Was fucking great. Got me all the merch I could stumble home with.
i havent heard it but i want to get it soon.

anyone hear the Violet Cold album? Post metal, which I normally don't like, but this is pretty spacey stuff and has some very powerful moments. Highly recommended.
If you want some black metal that's way off the beaten path, you should head for the new Furia.

Not an easy one to describe, especially to those unfamiliar with the band. They're from Poland, have always sort of used the black metal genre as a jumping off point for their own idiosyncratic ideas and sound. (And on their sound: it's some of the best production for this type of music -- very "in the room," very warm, real, and organic, especially the low end.) Parts of this new one sound almost like Earth, at least until the blasts and roars of black metal come thundering over everything. So there's a weird combination of calmness and ominousness to a lot of the music, like being opiated into a trance state then having all the doors and windows burst open to let in the night terrors. Best of all, the album has a remarkable flow to it; there's never a chance for wandering attention or boredom, as almost every moment feels poignant and the crescendos all feel perfectly spaced apart.

Yes I'm gushing hyperbole because this thing pretty much blew my mind. Furia's first two albums are out of this world, but their next two felt to be drifting into a kind of "post-black" territory that wasn't having the same impact on me -- so my expectations for this new one weren't as high as they could've been. Somehow though Furia has taken their sound even further away from that of those first two releases, and yet made something even better than I could've imagined. I'm already obsessed.

The rest of their discography is highly recommended too.