Metal 2016

Nice to see them still releasing stuff, but are those new albums actually good?

Is the Sorcier des Glaces worth listening to? I'm only really familiar with Moonrise in Total Darkness which I like quite a bit.

I've never been big on Antaeus or Darkestrah.
yeah it's good. even the anus crowd who hate everything are into it.

i think with both these 'moonblood' albums, the older material on them stands out as better than the new stuff. they're overall still better than most of the BM that's been widely acclaimed this year though.

the new darkestrah is exactly as bad as i recall them being like ten years ago, and in the exact same way. new countess is surprisingly enjoyable. the profanatica is fine but a bit basic. the belenos took a while to win me over and it isn't really good BM in a traditional sense, but it does cast a distinctive spell. will report back on the others if i get around to them.
That Azaxul sounds cool, thanks for the tag! I'd completely forgotten they existed.

I can vouch for the new Agatus, although it's barely black metal aside from a couple of riffs and purists will probably hate it. Dark Fury is more of the same, not a bad thing if you like their style. The new Antaeus will probably make my top ten of the year, relentless stuff. I'm a bit wary of new Sacrilegium material, but I'll check it out.
I was listening to Necromantic Worship a few months back. They may as well change the c to an a and be called Necromantia Worship, because that's what it is. I'm not completely sold on the vocals, but it's pretty good stuff, since Necromantia are rather unique anyway.
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yeah, at least they're open about it with the name haha. there's a novelty to bands worshipping the greeks that wore off a long time ago with the norwegians, so w/e. these ones are all pretty authentic and spirited sounding too. the new kawir sounds pretty good as well.
Went and revisited some albums that came out at the beginning or early part of this year. Has anyone else heard this Astronoid record? This is some of the most uplifting shit I've heard in a while. I remember loving this album a few months back...still sounds awesome. Well worth checking out.
Went and revisited some albums that came out at the beginning or early part of this year. Has anyone else heard this Astronoid record? This is some of the most uplifting shit I've heard in a while. I remember loving this album a few months back...still sounds awesome. Well worth checking out.

Don't like the vocals at all, they sound like Blink-182.