Metal Bands That Suck...8-]]

Persuader, basically melothrash for closeted groovephobic power metal fans.

Pharaoh, what the fuck was with this hype? Tim Aymar yarls like the Disturbed guy, the guitar tone is synthetic-sounding as fuck and mostly plays fruity (and often stolen) melodies, just tons of gallop-gallop and a "DUDE OLDSCHOOL" reputation is all it takes I guess. Bullet for My Valentine literally has stuff about on par with them.

Portal, memedeath, muh esotericism.

Queensryche post-Promised Land, the most abrupt fall from glory in metal's history.

Redemption, I'm glad Alder got this Dream Theater pop-prog-metal out of his system without attaching it to the Fates Warning name.

Rigor Mortis. WOW FAST, too bad you couldn't write a riff to save your life. Anyone that thinks this is death/thrash is clinically retarded, just another third-rate speed/thrash band with undue reputation thanks to a major record deal and a band member connected to other, more famous (but still shit) bands. iirc the Freaks EP has a good song somewhere though.

Rotting Christ, and the rest of the Greek scene tbh, flowery melodramatic crap with a production/aesthetic gimmick.

Sabbat (UK), more overlength compounded by a tendency to rehash the same fundamental riffing units over and over. Walkyier can't save those songs. Sneap's productions are more interesting than his riffs.

Sacred Reich, the definition of whiffle thrash.

Sieges Even. They had a brief respite with their mid-90s period, Sophisticated/Uneven where they played a sort of progged-up Van Halen-y shred metal/rock that was actually pretty good. Otherwise, their first album is the definition of plagiarism in metal, the second one is one of my all-time least favorites, and everything else is sleep-inducing.
Rotting Christ, and the rest of the Greek scene tbh, flowery melodramatic crap with a production/aesthetic gimmick.


You've never listened to Rotting Christ in your life and if you did it was Triarchy onward (Triarchy still rules anyways) because this opinion is impossible to have

Seriously stick to your prog nonsense and bitch about black metal not having riffs

Don't try to have real opinions
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You've never listened to Rotting Christ in your life and if you did it was Triarchy onward (Triarchy still rules anyways) because this opinion is impossible to have

Seriously stick to your prog nonsense and bitch about black metal not having riffs

Don't try to have real opinions

In what world is that not fruity? Keyboard-driven pseudoextreme metal, it's no more heavy or aggressive than, say, Edge of Sanity. I mean yeah, they'd get even worse later, the first album has some generic trad/power mixed in, but that's it.
That Rotting Christ song is a lot better than Avenged Sevenfold, Lamb of God, Pantera and Trivium.

What do you like about it? I'm listening to the title track of Non Serviam right now and it makes no sense how people can call this good music. It's some of the most simplistic traditional metal imaginable, these chord progressions are disgustingly light. The entire idea of "melodic black metal" is largely a myth, this music is virtually indistinguishable from 80s metal in terms of technique and writing. Without the slightest sarcasm, an album like Avenged Sevenfold's City of Evil is darker, more visceral, better-written, and more true to metal ideals than anything from early Rotting Christ.