metal beliefs


Aug 22, 2013
How much do you identify with some of the emotional themes of metal?

I'm sure there's a bunch of them, but I'm thinking of big stuff like hate, fear, rage, suffering, racism, fascism, worshiping satan, and so on.
I'd like to retort with a humorous response myself... but honestly, since I am person who believes that about half or more of the world's problems would be solved if world leaders studied history, I am delighted when bands make use of the same sentiment. And you can find that in black metal, folk metal, all sorts.
I can identify with a lot of occult lyrics. Particularly Morbid Angel's lyrics because they're based off of the Necronomicon, which I use for magickal purposes. I've done a bit of Satanic magick, Egyptian magick, and Crowley based stuff too. The occult is a part of my everyday life.
Can't really say that I identify with the music but I really like and are impressive by the lyrics that Dying Fetus has been coming up with. Terrorism, Government and so on.