Metal interview with you

1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?


2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?

The commercialism of some bands, Posers within the Scene, Trivium

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?

There usually fine, ive never had any problems when Ive been to a metal gig, everyone is there for the same reason, to metal hard and have fun.

4. What are the core themes of metal?

Oh definitely atmosphere, you cant make a good album without it actually meaning something to the band and fans, I also find that sometimes its good for bands to stray away from their regular kinds of music and try something different, much like Nokturnal Mortum with NeChrist.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

Not at all, I find lyrics in RnB and Pop about being "gangsta" and poor (when there infact filthy rich) pretty cheesy.
Metal bands just get straight to the point, and if a band has lyrics about Satan or Dragons, so what...its all part of the fun.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?

Well being into Black Metal I like my album pictures "raw", I mean with forests and woodlands and pictures of various band members in corpse paint..I never was really into digitally made stuff as I like to have a bit of realism with the band, like faces and seeing places on the cover.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?

Well I used to like punk, ok pop-punk (my secret shame), but Ive ditched all of that in the past 5 years and moved onto metal..I respect the bands but I dont bother to listen to them anymore, they just sing the same stuff and its been way to politicalised these days.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

I hope theres a heavier genre of Black Metal, something so evil and make even the hardest of people hate it..I dont think anything ever could surpass Black Metal, but if it does I'll be listening to it.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?

Unless I was there myself I dont bother, plus I dont read many mags these days anyway as there all starting to go Emo and metalcore..urgh.

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

Of course not, Ive only liked Metal the past 5 years, and for me the rawer the better..I hope when im 50 MY kids will be listening to Centinex and Gorgoroth and truly appreciating great music.
I am sufficiently bored, so here goes...

1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?

No specific genre, but I listen to different kinds of metal with different intent. There are two ways to classify metal: as art and as entertainment. Art needs to be innovative and exciting in its own context. When pursuing this sort of sonic stimulation, I listen mostly to stuff like Burzum, Darkthrone, early At the Gates, early Judas Priest, early Black Sabbath and so on. Entertainment has to be solid, ballsy and moving, like Iron Maiden, Deströyer 666, Bruce Dickinson, etc.

So like I said, the genres in themselves are meaningless.

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?

To start with the negative, there are sooooo much posing in metal today. It lacks the honesty and spirit it had when I was growing up in the metal scene in the early nineties. There is too much merging with alternative scenes and focus on "being different". This results in abominations, such as Ulver, Arcturus, Solefald, Mystic Forest and their filthy ilk. The only solid bands today are the bands who have kept a solid, traditional core and made slight variations to that, like Drudkh, Raventale and Deathspell Omega.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?

They are like people most, ranging from absolute morons of unparalleled dimensions, to fools, to nice, decent people, to true masters.

4. What are the core themes of metal?

Fire and passion!

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

I'm sure it's possible, but I am normally able to sniff out bands like that in advance, thus avoiding them completely.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?

Can make, but not break, an album. I love album covers like "Sardonic Wrath", especially, though. Pure goodness!

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?

Pure punk is music by losers for losers. I do, however, really love new Darkthrone, but that has a lot to do with the band as a whole, and not just the music.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

Probably even more shit that it is today.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?


10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

I did, once. It passed after about a year or two, 'cause I discovered the internet.
I am going to answer my own questions.

1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?

I like early thrash metal a lot. Also, early death metal from the Florida and New York scene. I do like some more recent death metal. A bit of each from groove (modern), black, doom and sludge.

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?

Some of it is energetic and like some of you said passionate. I like the other-worldly feel it displays. Sometimes I feel some bands can pull off that sinister vibe. I do like to read lyrics by bands and it can be just a poem on its own. But, some of it comes out contrived and cheesy because of bands running to trends or just the fact that they run out of true drive.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?

I feel most of them are no different than the average person except they stumbled into a more underground hobby. Or they're just bored teens. Either that or they're just a bunch of whiney and stupid idiots. It annoys me when I see fellow metalheads defining themselves solely by what bands they listen to.

4. What are the core themes of metal?

Most of it seems to fit into the ideas of romanticism with themes on emotion and fantasy but with a darker tinge.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

You have to admit, its image can be just to grand, theatrical and juvenile. But some bands seriously dealing with the subject of evil can pull it off well.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?

One reason I like metal is how attractive some album covers are which makes me want to collect the actual CDs then just downloading them. I respect the works of Larry W. Carrol (Slayer), Dan Seagrave (Malevolent Creation, Morbid Angel, Entombed etc..), and some other lesser known ones like Juha Vuorma (Edge of Sanity - Infernal). I prefer hand drawn ones, and I hate most Photoshop ones because they look so artificial. I bet they literally copy and paste the same image except maybe layer it a little differently for another band :lol:. Another point, is I hate looking at most metal album covers because the imagery used is so cliched.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?

I like some pure punk and how it gave metal the raw feel and D.I.Y ethic when those things started to go away in metal. I am referring to thrash and crossover. It is getting annoying to see the emo/metalcore trend and how subcultures now are becoming trendy in general.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

I dont know I asked you guys.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?

I enjoy reading metal album reviews on metal-archives from time to time. Especially when I find well written ones that can say things spot on which I want to but cant.

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

Even though, I dont think I'll just throw it away but I feel that I lost that freshness when I first came in contact with it.
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?
Most of them really, but mainly death, black, thrash and traditional (especially 1970s/early 1980s stuff). Also the punkish ones (grind, crossover).

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?
I like the wide array of ideas it explores.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?
Same as I feel about the rest of the population. Metalheads might be a bit more fun to drink with, a bit less fun for an intelligent conversation than your average person.

4. What are the core themes of metal?
Dissatisfaction with the sorry state of the world and a search for solutions.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..
Yes, lots of metal is cheesy garbage.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?
I like pictures. Simplicity is noce:


7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?
Some of the better records of the 1980s came as a result of this, such as Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing and Age Of Quarrel. Lately this concept hasn't been so good with all the emo/metal and spazzcore going around.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?
Same as now, decent stuff in the underground and shit in the mainstream with few exceptions. Probably the scene will shrink as people continue to get dumber and exciting new brands of pop music attract their attention, while the underground finds more and more things to get angry about.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?
I'll read concert reviews, album reviews mostly useless with illegal downloading around.

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?
Just of the poppier stuff that doesn't hold my attention anymore.
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?
Probably the subgenre I was born into and the one my family most listens to - the New Wave of British Heavy Metal

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?
I like the fact that there is something for everybody. The scene itself is pretty anti-conformist, and there's a lot of freedom. Metal is an emotional release for me and a place where I feel right at home with others who feel the same way I do.

I get tired of hearing people whine how they don't like "so-and-so" anymore because they have evolved and sold themselves out. These people are fucktards, and don't know how the music scene operates. Evolution is not always necessarily selling yourselves out. To me, the bands who don't experiment are the ones who "sell themselves out." Afterall, who wants to hear the same boring shit over and over again? I sure as hell don't.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?
Metalheads are pretty rare from my school. The ones I know seem pretty "cliquish," which is a damn shame. Back home there are a few I talk to who are really actually pretty cool. We have a lot of the same interests besides metal.

4. What are the core themes of metal?
Freedom and dedication, but mostly anything you want them to be. It doesn't necessarily need to be about the traditional themes of death, violence, sex, Satanism, etc. anymore.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc.?
Sure. *laughs* I mean any band can overdo it. But a lot of times the band's image makes me laugh, but I think the band is aware that we're laughing with them.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?
I think album covers can be a crucial foreshadow into what themes are suggested by the music. It's important for all subgenres of heavy metal, but probably most important for the extreme metal scene in my experience.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?
Haven't really ever been a fan of punk, but I respect it. I know metal has some roots in it, particulary thrash metal (I think?). But I like thrash metal.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?
Similar to now, but I'm noticing more avant-garde tendencies towards an emphasis on electronica (especially in the European scene), and I think this emphasis will continue to grow, possibly rising into a separate subgenre on its own.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?
Since I've joined here I have, but not often.

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?
Not really bored, I think "frustrated" is a more politically correct term in my experience. After a while you want something new...yeah I do guess you get bored after the same shit after awhile. You want something new, but you search and search and search, like through all this underground stuff on Myspace, YouTube, and what not, but you end up with similar boring shit and your whole search seems in vain. The frustration of searching for new stuff definately outweighs the boredom. But I tend to go through phases according to subgenre. I was in a black metal phase for awhile, but now I'm back into the NWOBHM phase again.
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?
DEATH METAL!!!black metal, Progressive Metal,Doom

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?
I hate the ppl who try to be "hardcore" and shit, but they know nothing.I love the Music and the "'Brotherhood"thing we got going

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?
Some are total fags,some are my best friends.It depends, but alot of metalheads here try to hard to be Satanic or something

4. What are the core themes of metal?
Satan,Nihilism,Oden( vikings),Death,Gore

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..
No, depends on how you use the word"satan"and the themes u present in your song-writing.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?
Some are great,and make the experience more enjoyable.Some are stupidly Gore obsessed. some are incredible art works. it all depends man

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?
i dont care. Punk seemed to have influenced alot of Black metal, so im fine with it.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?
Boring,repetitive, unless someone starts something truly originally again.But i will forever support metal, soo yeah.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?
Nope, if i like it or dont like something, i can find out for myself.

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?
FUCK NO!!!!!!
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?
death metal, thrash, black, and some power.

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?
i hate the posers who listen to it to try to be cool instead of the love of the music itself.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?
i feel like they are brothers to me, although i only know about like 3-4 other metalheads, they are very good friends and i can relate to them alot in opinions, we are here for the love of the music and thats what bonds us.

4. What are the core themes of metal?
death, and satan and shit.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..
when they totally change the way they write lyrics to try to be over-the-top yes. but if they have been making music like that the entire band history then yes i can respect that.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?
album covers are pretty awesome, thats all.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?
i listen to the misfits, thats about it.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?
i hope it wont turn into mtv garbage.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?
sometimes, when im on the edge of going to a show or not to a certain band, i read the review, if its good then i go, if its bad i dont.

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?
theres always new and old stuff to discover.
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?
black metal, death metal, thrash metal

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?
like: dope riffs, good atmosphere
dislike: fucking stupid, laughable bands that take themselves way too seriously.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?
Metalheads tend to be like any other group of people; a lot of idiots, a few really cool and smart people, and some decent folks.

edit: well, not like any group of people. Some groups of people just consist of shitheads.

4. What are the core themes of metal?
Not being a fucking pussy.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..
Of course.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?
I don't know.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?
Punk is generally crap and should stay the fuck away from my metal but there have been a few quality bands.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?
I don't know.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?
Every once in a while but then I just realize that I should stop being a pussy and then I'm not bored of it anymore.
Metal interviews on magazines or fanzines are just band members. How about doing a serious one with just the fans?

1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?

- i'll just say that i don't like nu metal and gothic metal.

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?

- i like the music and dislike poser guys.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?

- i don't judge anyone by the music that they hear.

4. What are the core themes of metal?

- Protestation, revolt and a perspicacious point of view of the reality.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

- i don't know... i guess the music is more important than the lyrics.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?

- i like so much, but i don't have a favorite illustrator.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?

- Punk was very important to the birth of many great bands, like Slayer, Napalm Death and others

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

- i'm not nostradamus.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?

- no more

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

- yes and no, cuz i get bored of the new bands only.
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?
death metal, black metal, thrash metal, etc.
2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?
I like the music. I just hate the shitty, boring, generic, un-orignial bands.
3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?
Rare in this state.
4. What are the core themes of metal?
long list.
5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..
I dont think lyrics about satan make a band cheesy.
6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?
an album cover should look good. not much to say there. too hard of a question.
7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?
no thoughts.
8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?
you never know.
9. Do you read album/concert reviews?
10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?
fuck no.
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?

Pretty much all, except most Power, most Black and virtually none of the Gothic ilk.

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?

I love the feeling I still get from it. I also appreciate the high level of musical ability of the musicians in comparison to most other modern musical forms. I enjoy the role of the "outsider" taken by most metal bands.

I don't dislike the occasional knuckleheaded metal bands mentality, and I certainly don't like the post-metal/post-hardcore ironic stance on metal. If you love metal, don't be ashamed of it. I'm certainly not.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?

Depends on the metal head. In England, at concerts, the vast majority are rather fine people. I can't be doing with the idiotic or ignorant irrespective of musical taste.

4. What are the core themes of metal?

Rock n' fucking Roll, from the glammest of the glam to the kvltest of the kvlt. Anyone who denies it is a fucking liar. Liberty of the soul. Freedom. Oppression. Opposition. The fight. War, religion. Drugs, booze, tarts and car crashes. Basically anything except sappy love songs. Pop music caters for that.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

Yes, but if metal wasn't larger than life, it'd be life. I can walk outside and get that. Satan is one of the more amusing and inspirational fictional characters, so it makes sense that he should be referenced - especially with the hefty romantic literature connection of metal and metal lyricism.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?

I preferred vinyl covers, but to be honest, any good illustrator will do. Repka, naturally, is a huge favourite, and I'm glad that the photoshop / Dave McKean phase seems to be dissipating with the influence of hand-and-paint making a come back.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?

Not a huge Punk fan. Hate Hardcore with a passion...I'd rather minimise the influence of either on metal, but let's be honest, they're not as disparate as many would like to think.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

Much the same, but better produced. Maybe pro-communist. What's left that can shock ? Pro-paedophile metal ?

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?

I write them ;)

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

No. Not now, not ever. Over 20 years a metal head, almost exclusively. Beat that, forum fags.
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal? Progressive Metal, MDM, Doom/Death, Thrash

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal? Only thing I dislike is Power Metal

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads? For the most part I get along w/ 90% of them, especially at shows. Met some really cool and down to earth motherfuckers at metal shows. Once your 10 beers deep...the metal conversations last for hours.

4. What are the core themes of metal? Wankery, depression, killing dogs raping mothers, driving around the Trans Am looking for a good time.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc.. If its not TOO over the top aka Dark Funeral etc, I dont mind satan themes.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like? Whoever did the cover for Katatonia's-TGCD and Opeth's Blackwater Park...those would be my 2 fav's. Ive always loved Slayer-Divine Intervention cover as well.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it? Fuck Punk. period.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years? Glam and fluorescent colors will come back with a vengeance!

9. Do you read album/concert reviews? Cant get enough of them. Metal-Archives OWNS

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it? On serious note...It never gets old its just getting better. Bands like Opeth,Agalloch, Enslaved, Katatonia, Dimmu Borgir, Porcupine Tree, Alchemist, Unearth, Soilwork,Novembers Doom, Dark Tranquillity, Amon Amarth, at least 200 others, keep music diverse and interesting. Im glad im not some shallow cunt who strives on Top 40 bullshit. Metal is my life:kickass:
Metal interviews on magazines or fanzines are just band members. How about doing a serious one with just the fans?

1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?

4. What are the core themes of metal?

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

I do not do interviews and if was in a band would not either!
Whoever did the cover for Katatonia's-TGCD and Opeth's Blackwater Park...those would be my 2 fav's.

Travis Smith. Fantastic artist. My favourite of his would have to be Devin Townsend's Terria album. I think he did Iced Earth's Horror Show as well which is cool but very different. He's done a lot for Anathema, Katatonia, Opeth etc. He has website if you care to google him.