Metal interview with you

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

Much the same, but better produced. Maybe pro-communist. What's left that can shock ? Pro-paedophile metal ?


Pro-paedophile metal eh. I read Wood of Ypres actually have done songs about paedophile acts.
Metal interviews on magazines or fanzines are just band members. How about doing a serious one with just the fans?

1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?
Like - the music
Dislike - some of the fans attitude

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?

Some can be cool, others can be pricks.

4. What are the core themes of metal?


5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

Not really, it all depends on the person. I like my cheesy "metal warrior" lyrics.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?

Well a cool album cover certainly helps, but it's not necessary.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?

Please keep the two seperate!

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

I have no clue.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?


10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?

As far as the "major" subgeneres are concerned (heavy, thrash, death, power, doom, black) the only one I don't listen to at all is black. If I had to choose a favorite I suppose it would be a toss up between power and heavy.

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?

I don't mind the cheese factor so much (will get to that later), what bugs me most about metal is how difficult it can be to be a metal fan. It can be challenging to find CD's in stores and I generally don't like to order things online (I do it anyway, though, out of necessity). It's also easy to get "lost" when looking for bands to check out. The sheer volume of metal that's out there can be overwhelming. For a casual fan, it's hard to keep track of who's doing what, and I feel very "out of the loop". One other thing, I hate how it's less "acceptable" to others. When I'm with friends, I never get to listen to what I want to. A lot of people just flat out refuse to give it a chance, and it's frustrating because I listen to all there shit without complaining.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?

I know a few people who like metal music, but I don't know any real serious "metal heads", so I will base my opinion of them off the people on this board: I feel like I have to walk on eggshells when serious metal fans are involved. I'll be the first to admit that I really, really don't know very much about metal compared to, well, just about anyone here. Though I've been listening to Judas Priest and some Metallica and Anthrax (among a few other things) for years, I've only very recently started to really explore metal and I feel more uninformed then ever, despite know a ton more than I did before joining this board. Now, I don't think all that is anything to be embarassed about, but I really feel like I have to be careful when talking to people here about metal (hence my minimal participation in the real serious threads and frequent OT posting... but make no mistake, I'm reading the serious threads). It just seems that if you aren't "in the know", you're just sort of shut out and ridiculed. The metal community is diverse and very interesting, but it's tough to become a part of.

4. What are the core themes of metal?

Creativity. That isn't a theme, but then there is no one theme that covers all metal.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

Yes! It can be almost embarassing! But it's also the main thing I like about it. The theatrics can be cheesy, but that's what makes metal what it is, I think. It's what draws me to power metal. Heavy sort of off-sets that a bit, since, often times, it's more down to earth. To sum up: the cheese is there and a lot of the time, it's good, but sometimes one needs a break from it.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?

I don't pay too much attention to that. Cool albums covers are nice and all, but I'm not really interested in who designed it.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?

I don't listen to punk, though I have nothing against it. If it helped to shape metal, great. I'm still not interested in listening to it.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

No telling, really. I would imagine that some of it will get more extreme, some will incorporate different styles and instruments, and so on. I bet we'll see more than a few more sub genres. Whether that's good or bad, there's no way to say.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?

A bit, yeah.

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

I hope not.
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?

Death, tech-death, thrash, trad, metalcore, grindcore. Not a fan of most power metal and I can't get into much black metal either.

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?

Like: The energy of the music, I've always been into darker sounds and metal is great for that. Also the intense musicality of some metal. Musicians pushing their abilities to the extreme to create something mindblowing.

Dislike: Overblown, cheesy, grandiose metal. With a passion. Unfortunately there seems to be more of this than the good stuff these days.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?

I've always enjoyed talking about music with metalheads, whether their taste is similar to mine or not. Most of them are very passionate about their love of metal and it makes for good conversation. Obviously there are morons and narrow minded people, but that's the same with any scene.

4. What are the core themes of metal?

Power, strength, and of course comedy. Metal that takes itself the most seriously can be the funniest of all.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

Sure. The Satanic lyrics and imagery were originally intended to be shocking and a 'fuck you' to societies norms, but now that the novelty has well and truly worn off, the comedy factor steps in.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?

I love the old school illustrated DM covers, and Slayer's covers have always been quality. I don't really have any favorite illustrators though. Some times the coolest covers are the most simple designs, like the early Bathory and Venom albums. One thing that is definitely a shame with regards to covers is that vinyl is now defunct. The album cover just isn't the same in cd size.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?

I have only started enjoying punk in the last 3 or so years, I always hated it because it was played badly, but of course that's missing the point entirely. I'm a fan of metalcore, I think the hardcore/metal combo can be done really well, but of course the genre is suffering from way too many half arsed copy bands with commercial rock elements which sucks, but will probably balance out after the fadness dies.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

Probably not too different to how it is now, different combinations of influences and better production.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?

Yes. If they are well written they can be very handy.

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

I've come full circle. I listened to nothing but metal from the age of 14 until I was about 23-24, then I got really bored with it in the late nineties and went and explored many other styles and scenes, and I'm glad I did, because it gave me perspective and helped me grow as a musician. It also made me realise just how much great music there is out there that most "true metal warriors" will never allow themselves to listen to, which is a shame. Now that I'm listening to a lot of metal again, I'm doing it with fresh ears and renewed enthusiasm.
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?
A lot of the tech death scene in Quebec, and some black metal (though not the three-Norweigans-in-a-tin-can-variety)

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?
Like: The freaking level of passion that can be found in it, the "dark" and/or triumphant feel (not really into happy music) and the sheer creativity of the genre in a pretty stale music world (yes, metal is getting stale in parts, but compared to the vast majority of music out there, it's WAY better)
Dislike: Stupid satanic BS. Over the top cheeziness. Worthless lyrics (of most bands anyways)

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?
A few of the people on GMD are really pretentious and kinda piss me off, but on the whole metal heads aren't any different than most people (some bad, some good), though usually more discerning about the music they listen to, which is a good thing.

4. What are the core themes of metal?
Passion and Melancholy.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..
Yeah. Just look at power metal.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?
LOVE it. Some are absolutely amazing (the cover of Emperor's ATTWAD is one of my favorites), others are worthless. On the whole, much better than other genre covers. I love the drawings and paintings the best.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?
Don't like punk in any form, but it contributed partially to metal so whatever.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?
Same as now, most artists will be stale and worthless, but some people will still be coming up with some incredible stuff (can't wait)

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?
Album reviews all the time, though I usually take what they say with a grain of salt (MA is very useful I find), concert reviews, never, unless I went to the concert (to sorta relive the experience)

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?
No. I'm finding less and less bands that I like, but the ones I DO like, I REALLY like.
Metal interviews on magazines or fanzines are just band members. How about doing a serious one with just the fans?

1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?

Used to be Prog/Power, now I feel I like everything equally. Good for me.

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?

Like: Its GOOD, period.
Dislike: Nothing.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?

Don't care, really.

4. What are the core themes of metal?

Sensitive, Cheesy, Dark...Gets me pumped up, all of them.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

I like Cheese Metal. Who really cares about lyrics when you can sing along to Rhapsody..OF FIRE!!!111!!!!

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?

Always loved the album covers. They actually make the album attractive.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?

Whatever, as long as it sounds good to me.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

Will keep flourishing. There is always room for more variety, with so many bands experimenting.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?

Nah, my opinion = all, for me. Though I do check out The Metal Observer now and then.

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

Been a fan only for 4 yrs. My interest hasn't waned, so far.
Heh, I'm sure there's a couple of people just dying to see me reply to this thing. :erk:


1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?

Whatever sounds good.

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?

I like the contrasting extremes that metal is able to express unlike any other form of music. To be able to compose music and have them express emotions such as hate and anger to utter despair and fear is just amazing to me. I don't think any other form of music is able to do it as well as metal.

I dislike the ignoramus/elitist mentality that is oh so prevalent in the metal community and seems to be hitting this board hard. To keep this rant free: If you don't like something and someone else does SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET OVER YOURSELF.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?

I look at them in the same light as I do any other person. Why? Because they really are just any other person.

4. What are the core themes of metal?

Who knows.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

Cheese is good.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?

I don't know specific names, but I generally enjoy a good album cover no matter what genre of music it is. The more artistic the better.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?

Punk is good shit. I just think it opened up more avenues for metalheads to explore and aid in the evolution process.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

Hopefully better than it is now. Old school ftw!

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?

No, I don't care what other people think when it comes to music.

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

Nah. But I don't force myself into listening to countless hours of metal. There is way way way WAY too much good music out there other than metal.
Thank you you actually made a good point without being a jackass there, in that people who don't like a band someone else likes should SHUT UP.
I'm pretty bored at work so I guess I'll answer this as well. Sorry for the possibly low level of english...I'm tired which makes my english disapears.

1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?

Death metal mainly. I also like thrash, black and doom. Not a big fan of the other subgenre.

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?

I like the intensity and variety within the genre. The music can be so varied between the different subgenre that if I'm getting a little bored of one I can easily find something else I like and all that within the same genre basically.

I don't dislike much about the music in general. Just some fans attitude basically. I dislike the elitist mentality. I dislike people who tend to worship albums only if they were released at less the 27 copies. Rarity doesn't sound like a good way to judge an album...of course some rare albums are awesome but rarity shouldn't be the way to judge music.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?

I don't have a lot of contacts with other metalheads. I used to go see a lot of shows but I'm not going as much now. I don't know if it's because I'm totally un-metal looking but very few would even guess that I listen to metal music so that limits my contacts with other metalheads to message boards mainly. Anyway they're just like the population in general some are more interesting then others and that's about it...

4. What are the core themes of metal?

It can be quite varied but it tends to be often the same themes within some subgenre. Sometimes it seems that bands take the easy way of not even thinking a little to find new themes. If I'm playing brutal death metal I guess I'll have gory lyrics.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..


6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?

I don't really like the photoshop style artwork. I like drawings. Chris Moyen probably being the only name I can think of right now. I like his style a lot. Other album covers are great too but I wouldn't be able to name the artist.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?

Punk is like any music...there's some good bands and some awful ones. I used to listen to punk before metal but I migrated towards metal and punk lacked a certain level of originality. I still like the intensity of the music and punk shows are pretty fun I think. Probably because the music is easier to play, it allows the musician to have be a little crazier on stage. I don't listen to punk a lot anymore but I still think it's not THAT different from metal really.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

No idea...a lot has been done already. Can't think of anything right now about the future.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?

Yes I read reviews. Not that I agree with everything but there's some people that I think have similar tastes as mine. So I try to find people whose tastes I respect and listen to them more carefully. Then again, it's not a garantee that I'll like the same thing. It's just a good guide sometimes to help^me find bands that I haven't heard before.

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

I don't get bored of metal really. My tastes tends to rotate a little. Sometimes I'll be on a death metal phase and listen mostly to this. Then I'll listen to doom for a while and so on... I don't just listen to metal though so that might also help to keep the genre interesting.
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?
Melodic Death,Power,and Thrash

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?
Posers, bands not staying true to themselves and selling out to make millions. In understand that music is a business, and you need money to feed your family and all, but still..

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?
I don't have a problem with them, but it also depends on what kind of metal we're talking about. You have your old Thrashy guys, the leather/jean patched jackets, and the ripped up jeans and hightops, nice guys with years of metal experience, then you have the power metal nerds-it's ok,I'm one of them, but I don't like the redneck metal guys(for lack of better term) the ones who always try to start fights at shows just for the hell of it. Oh and I hate metal elitests

4. What are the core themes of metal?
Again, depends on the metal, Thrash is having fun and partying all night long, Black is Satan, Death is mutilation, Melodeath is depressive and at the same time happy, Power is dungeons and dragons, saving the princess, wars and far-off quests

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?
Album covers are nice, some basic, some over the top, but you cannot judge an album by the cover

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?
If it's good, then I like it

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?
I can't tell

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?
Sometimes. Actually, I was just asked to be a concert reviewer for Zero Tolerance Webzine

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?
Nope, but I do tend to stray away from metal sometimes, find myself listening to some jazz, or grunge, or plain rock
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?
These days, I have no clue. My interests musically have become so scattered that I can't pick a favorite subgenre. Looking at my favorite albums, black metal might be it, but basically I like everything.

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?
I dislike the blast beat. I don't mind it as long as it is interspersed with other styles and done uniquely, but these days, so many bands just go tikatikatikatika for the whole album. Overall, I need a drummer that isn't afraid to spice it up.

I also hate tough guy posing like pantera. I don't care if someone is tough, there are way more interesting things to listen to then the reincarnation of a high school jock meathead in a metal band.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?
The ones I know at home are all nice people but completly dumb. They think metallica is the epitome of all metal and that slipknot is as heavy as metal should get. They are ok people, but not musically very apt.

The ones I meet on here are still too closeminded often. People hate a band as soon as it hits the mainstream, people think that metal is the only good type of music, people are pretensious. However, I really liked a few of the people that I met on here. So, there are nice, smart, openminded metalheads out there, but not enough.

4. What are the core themes of metal?
The dark side of the human experiance. Everything in metal relates to something dark. Even power metal usually has some darkness in its veins. Running around and fighting dragons isn't all that cheerful really. Death metal, black metal, doom metal, thrash metal, it all is dark.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..
That's what I love about it. Metal is suppossed to be over the top.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?
I don't know any artists by name, but I do agree that an album cover can make an album that much better. In the nightshade eclipse is my favorite so far.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?
Metal would not where it is today without punk. Thrash metal, grindcore, metalcore, all involve punk to some degree. I think all metal today owes a lot to punk. I personally don't listen to much punk but I respect it.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?
It is just going to get better and better. I think that progressive metal and avant garde metal are going to save the metal scene from becoming too stagnant, as their ideas will help fuel the less "out there" metal scene. What I hope for is more jazz metal like cynic and athiest. It would rock if that developed into a full genre.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?
I read the occasional album review if I've already listened to it or if I'm unsure about buying it.

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

Well, It has been about 2 years and no, absolutly not.
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?
Doom (favourite), Black, Death, Prog, Melodeath, Thrash, pretty much everything except Power Metal/Grindcore (dont mind Grindcore though).

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?
Like: Doom/Depressive metal is my favourite genre at the moment, then Melodic Death... I just love the music/sound that is created from bands, it's an awesome feeling when you really sit down and have a listen to it thinking hard.

Dislike: Blah, Power Metal is the worse thing I have heard (sorry to anyone who loves it), I just can't get into it, it just makes me want to :cry:

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?
Aslong as we can have a good time chilling/headbanging/whatever, and you don't try to force your favourite genre/band down my throat, it's all good. And if you're open minded towards metal, thats always a plus.

4. What are the core themes of metal?
Anything that can be associated with darkness/evil/sadness I guess.

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?
Album covers have always interested me, I don't really have a favourite artist/illustrator, but probably my favourites so far are My Dying Bride's - A Line Of Deathless Kings cover, Edge Of Sanity - Crimson II, and Limbonic Art's covers.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?
Don't really know/care much about punk, so no comment.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?
Space Metal? Unless thats already around, hopefully their are still new bands to come with new material.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?
I try not to, it kind of puts me off buying an album. Dont read concert reviews.

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

:( Never!!!!
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?

heavy, death, thrash

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?

like: awesome fans with a great sense of humor especially here (I love this board). The music also has tremendous energy and power, I fucking love it! I also love how fearless the genre is, it is extremely anti - social. And as I said before, I love the intensity, the energy, the passion, and the power of the genre. It helps to add some much needed excitement in the boring repetitive routine of everyday life

dislikes: the genre is a breeding ground for psuedo intellectual elitist dickwads

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?

very cool for the most part, although they tend to be rather nerdy

4. What are the core themes of metal?

individuality, anti - government, anti - social, etc...

5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

not at all, the fact that metal is so outlandish and extravagant is why I love it :loco:

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?

couldn't care less

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?

couldn't care less

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

no fuckin clue

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?

sure, easier than having to look through a whole bunch of shit to find good albums

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?

it's only been about a year and a half, so no.
1. Favourite subgenre(s) of heavy metal?

Symphonic black, black, extreme progressive, symphonic (i.e Therion)

2. What do you like/dislike about heavy metal?

The high levels of idiocy among it's fans.

3. How do you feel about most other metalheads?

See above.

4. What are the core themes of metal?


5. Do you think metal can be a little over-the-top therefore making it seem cheesy? For example, making lyrics about Satan etc..

Sometimes it can be stupid, but as long the music is good I could care less.

6. How do you feel about album covers? What artists/illustrators do you like?

I like nature covers mostly, but it doesn't really matter. Epic battle scenes are also teh koolz.

7. How do you feel about punk and how metal mingled with it?

I'm not a huge punk fan.

8. How do you think metal will turn out in 10, 20 years?

Not sure.

9. Do you read album/concert reviews?

I don't care about concert or album reviews. Occasionally I read album revs just for fun.

10. Do you get bored of it after years of indulging in it?
