Metal fans


Feb 21, 2002
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A quick note about fans - for the most part, I think metal fans are pretty great. Including Dream Theater fans. Yes, there are some jerks - some stuck up people, and some plain morons. But I think you'll find that among any group of people - they were at progpower, they were at SX/BG, they were at Rush. Aside from them though, I think there's sort of a community like atmosphere among metal fans. My experience has been that DT has some pretty awesome fans - online fans who have been willing to trade, help out with questions, and are just nice and pleasant in general. In person, fans who are nice, helpful, and usually happy to share their experience with others. Just one example - In Quebec City James was signing things for people by the venue gates and people were getting their picture taken with him. I didn't have a camera, so I asked a guy in the crowd if he would mind taking a picture of me with James and then mailing it to me, and he agreed, though it was the last picture in the roll. A week later, it was in the mail! :)
Originally posted by karelrulez
I think it's because of something all (prog)metal fans have in common: we know what good music is. it's something that few people have so that creates something between prog fans.

Makes sense to me. :) And music is simply more important to us, which sometimes causes others to think we're a little odd. :) I was actually intending to post this on the "defending the genre" thread where there were some comments about DT fans, but I must have hit the wrong button and made a new thread instead. So I'll bet it didn't make a whole lot of sense on it's own out there, but oh well. Teach me to be more careful next time!
Prog fans are about the only decent metal fans. Have any of you ever been to a SLAYER concert? I highly enjoy SLAYER but they have the worst fans. Arrogant always wanting to fight, never wanting to enjoy the music. Probably because I was the only one at the venue not getting drunk... I guess heavy metal and alcohol don't mix well:rolleyes:
All music genres have good and bad fans. I don't consider myself to be a huge prog fan, though I listen to many of those bands. I'm more into technical death/thrash and i'm very easy going guy unless you piss me off ;) anyway as I said, all genres have some assholes along the way:D
True, I guess :D
I was reading something on another forum I'm into, about how some 14-year old girl had this idea about BSB (sorry for bringing these names up, I am already ashamed of myself) and NSync fans was made for hating each other...:rolleyes:
Have mercy.. will ya.. It's so goddamn pathetic I felt like weeping, you know. Makes me even prouder to be a prog fan :)

If this was transferred to this genre, it would mean that... DT and SyX-fans were meant to hate each other :confused: How lame would that be?? Instead, we enjoy the music.. The music, that's what truly matters.

Damn I wish I knew more people like you people :)
I'm thankful for the Forum, because fans have to talk to others who can relate. You gotta be able to share thoughts about this music. It's like finding a treasure chest with precious gems inside within a sea of sludge, and everyone is cool enough to share the contents with one another. ;) But...this music just isn't for everyone, only the few who really appreciate and value true talent and ultimate showmanship. Yeah, we're special to be a part of betcha.

I live in a very closed-minded area. It's a real drag. So I open the car windows and turn it up louder. :headbang: The old man's some kinda freak!:)
Originally posted by tony bologna
Prog fans are about the only decent metal fans. Have any of you ever been to a SLAYER concert? I highly enjoy SLAYER but they have the worst fans. Arrogant always wanting to fight, never wanting to enjoy the music. Probably because I was the only one at the venue not getting drunk... I guess heavy metal and alcohol don't mix well:rolleyes:

It wasn't like that for Slayer until they started attracting all these Nu-Metal fools. Thats why the fans at their concerts are such idiots now.

I got kidney punched at Pantera and was pissing blood. This was in 97 I think.
Also, my friend got punched in the nose and was bleeding all over at an At the Gates concert.
Since then, if I go to one of these show now, my buds and I sit back and wait to see just a big fucker or anyone else trying to toss people around, and then we run in there and fuck him up.

I think most Troo metal fans are cool though.
Haha. Nu-metal fans are... more "evil" than I am. :lol: They're just ravers with glow sticks/attention whores.

Well, I think anyone who shares common interests in music are just plain nice to each other. In my opinion, good music have good artistic fans. Bad (lame, dumb, plastic) music have bad fans.
Metal is good, therefore it has good fans.
I agree completely, Kyra. It's great the way fans of this type of music are so passionate about the music, and help each other out.
Very great. :) Especially when they send each other discs full of wonderful songs...most importantly Narcissus, which is almost life-changing... :)
Originally posted by Kyra
Very great. :) Especially when they send each other discs full of wonderful songs...most importantly Narcissus, which is almost life-changing... :)

Indeed. I have no idea why I included that Mastermind song though. :lol:

A gift arrived at my house. Unfortunately I won't have the chance to experience it for a few days because I'm out of town. But I have something to look forward to when I get back!
Originally posted by tony bologna
Prog fans are about the only decent metal fans. Have any of you ever been to a SLAYER concert? I highly enjoy SLAYER but they have the worst fans. Arrogant always wanting to fight, never wanting to enjoy the music. Probably because I was the only one at the venue not getting drunk... I guess heavy metal and alcohol don't mix well:rolleyes:

That is so true about the Slayer fans.
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
Indeed. I have no idea why I included that Mastermind song though. :lol:

A gift arrived at my house. Unfortunately I won't have the chance to experience it for a few days because I'm out of town. But I have something to look forward to when I get back!

You don't like the Mastermind? I'm not too fond of female vocalists for the most part, but the song isn't that bad. Certainly not one of my favorites from the discs either.