Metal fucking Archives

English. Psychology is for fags.[/irony?] Although I'm taking a Psychology-related course in Ethics. Psychology is high school shit though.
MetalAges said:
I would ask what YOUR purpose for being anywhere, at anytime, is...but I'm afraid you'd come to the terrible realization that you're a completely worthless individual and kill yourself. Wouldn't want that... :rolleyes:

yeah hosting a metal forum is such a life-affirming activity deron *pats u on the back*
Dodens Grav said:
English. Psychology is for fags.[/irony?] Although I'm taking a Psychology-related course in Ethics. Psychology is high school shit though.

Welcome to my realm (it is a realm where you do retarded desk jockey jobs for 13.00 dollars an hour at the expense of your youth and soul, but you know a lot about Ben Jonson).
Yeah, I already know that I'm fucked in the English field with no work, but I can't think of anything else to do.
polarity3 said:
yeah hosting a metal forum is such a life-affirming activity deron *pats u on the back*

Wow you really got me there, ouch. Do yourself a favor and memorize these words: "Would you like fries with that sir?" They'll take you to great places in your tough guy life.
MetalAges said:
Wow you really got me there, ouch. Do yourself a favor and memorize these words: "Would you like fries with that sir?" They'll take you to great places in your tough guy life.

i didnt know you had to be a tough guy to insult people over the internet thanks for the advice