metal fucking -core -core -core

I don't mind Lamb of God. As some of you mentioned earlier, I wouldn't classify them as metalcore either.

I personally think the vocalist in any metalcore band is the main weakness - the majority of them sound like they are emulating screamo-type vocals, which are just terrible to begin with.
Teh Grimarse said:
it's not 'mythology', fagmo. it's a religion, or at least 'organized faith'. it's usually called Asatru duh derpderpderp. and count be among the believers, if i can be said to believe anything. i just don't feel the need to run around in battle armor singing teh hymns ov Wotan to justify my spiritual convictions as a person of northern european blood.

Wow, your more stupid than i thought
Teh Grimarse said:
i think you and me are the only two Luddite Clone fans in existance, though not surprising considering they released about 17 minutes of material in their career.

np: arsonista y architecto


it's not 'mythology', fagmo. it's a religion, or at least 'organized faith'. it's usually called Asatru duh derpderpderp. and count be among the believers, if i can be said to believe anything. i just don't feel the need to run around in battle armor singing teh hymns ov Wotan to justify my spiritual convictions as a person of northern european blood.

No true Son of the One Eyed God likes metalcore.
Amarantus said:
He's far too monotone and just boring sounding. It's nothing special, and he has no range. Minus the one and only scream he can do.

Have you even heard New American Gospel or Burn The Priest?

If you are gonna give shit to a band then at least have some fucking knowledge on them.
Yes my friend owns all of the Lamb of God albums. I don't make "assumptions" about bands until I've listened to them, unlike alot of people here. Fact is, he fucking sucks. Prove me wrong and then we'll talk.
Amarantus said:
Yes my friend owns all of the Lamb of God albums. I don't make "assumptions" about bands until I've listened to them, unlike alot of people here. Fact is, he fucking sucks. Prove me wrong and then we'll talk.

..and you figured this out in 4 weeks. I hope I get to know everyone here as well as you once I've been here as long. :rolleyes:
Ex-cally-boo said:
Breakdowns are fucking awesome if used properly. listen to the song Cutsman for an example of proper breakdown usage.
V.V.V.V.V. said:

So you can ALL stop fucking hating metalcore as a whole until you hear the ABSOLUTE BEST OFFERINGS OF IT. Metalcore is NOT JUST MTV2 CRAP.

I couldn't give 2 shits and a fuck if its on MTV2 or not. Every metalcore band I've heard sucks (and that doesn't go just for mainstream ones either). What metalcore basically is is screamo with talented guitar playing (yes as painful as it is to say a lot of metalcore bands I'll admit have talent but that doesn't change the fact that I strongly dislike it). What exactly do you consider metalcore's best offerings anyway?
dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
I couldn't give 2 shits and a fuck if its on MTV2 or not.
First off, :lol:
Second, Headbanger's Ball isn't near as bad as anyone says it is, and besides, simply because a band makes it onto TV does not mean they suck. I give you SYL to prove my point. Headbanger's Ball is where I discovered them, and noone here is going to say they're mainstream or shit because they made it on TV