Metal Vs. Classical

C'mon folks, against BEETHOVEN? Metal? Do you seriously believe there can be any comparison? We're talking the greatest musical genius of the last 2 centuries pitted against angst ridden adolescents...
It's not really fair to compare here. Metal has only been around 25, 30 years tops. Try comparing the best of the metal that exists today to the best of classical music from the first 30 years of it's existence. Good fuckin luck. You can't compare music that's been around hundreds of years to something that's only got a few decades of history.
I know, you guys. I just need to prove a point.

And Planetary Eulogy, you yourself said that metal at its best was better than jazz. Maybe that's all I need to prove...
I know little about classcial theory, but I would say Agalloch's "In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion" as the structure is very sophsitocated. You could also play him a King Crimson instrumental or something, its status as metal is up for debate, but he doesn't know that ;)
Hey - good luck with this. If you used something by us (Kayo Dot), it would be really flattering! You might have a good chance with it too, because I've taken classes surrounded by the attitudes you mentioned... actually, our album is really conscient of the Academic myth of separation of "folk" and "serious" music, and a lot of the things we did on our album were to help dismantle this terrible myth.

I would suggest, as someone who has been in your shoes, that if you use something of ours, you should also remind your professor that the album was released on the Composer's Series on Tzadik, which is a very prestigious label for contemporary classical composition. In addition, you can check out and maybe cite the essay by Scott Johnson in Arcana: Musicians on Music (it's chapter two) in which he discusses the evolution of modern serious music - how the assimilation of our current "folk" musics (a.k.a. rock genres) into "serious" music is directly analogous to the way European classical composers like Mozart or whomever assimilated the folk musics of their own time into their own "serious" music.

Just try to win the guy over intelligently with facts and examples, without hostility, and maybe he'll see your point of view. If not, then is the time to get angry. :)
Hey - good luck with this. If you used something by us (Kayo Dot), it would be really flattering! You might have a good chance with it too, because I've taken classes surrounded by the attitudes you mentioned... actually, our album is really conscient of the Academic myth of separation of "folk" and "serious" music, and a lot of the things we did on our album were to help dismantle this terrible myth.

I would suggest, as someone who has been in your shoes, that if you use something of ours, you should also remind your professor that the album was released on the Composer's Series on Tzadik, which is a very prestigious label for contemporary classical composition. In addition, you can check out and maybe cite the essay by Scott Johnson in Arcana: Musicians on Music (it's chapter two) in which he discusses the evolution of modern serious music - how the assimilation of our current "folk" musics (a.k.a. rock genres) into "serious" music is directly analogous to the way European classical composers like Mozart or whomever assimilated the folk musics of their own time into their own "serious" music.

Just try to win the guy over intelligently with facts and examples, without hostility, and maybe he'll see your point of view. If not, then is the time to get angry.

Finely stated. I happen to be a great admirer of your work, by the way. Keep it up!
id personally go with agalloch. but they are totally different types of music, the argument is futile and metal doesnt neccessarily intend to achieve the progression (in the same style) of the music that classical music does.

ask him to show you a classical piece that deals with a day in the life of an adolecent today. he would just laugh or evade the fact that there is nothing that is relevant.
All I know is, when a member of Kayo Dot drops in to tell you he's been in your shoes and, in essence, is on your side, you know you've got to do something.

I will do my best to show my teacher up. I'll probably end up doing my composition the way he wants, finish the semester, and then drop the course in the future. But I will still prove to him that metal is the sophisticated, structured, experimental music of today, and that his lack of understanding cannot malign or change that fact.