Metal Vs. Classical

anonymousnick2001 said:
What about Another Day...

And to find a metal song better than jazz will be enough. This guy lives for jazz. I like it, too, but I still find it too confining. Metal is much more expressive. That is a fact.

With metal, you can write about alien abduction, growing old, getting wasted, getting laid, getting a life, politics, religion, pop culture, historical themes, anything.

Jazz at its best was nothing but improv. and weird chords.

Well if it only has to be better then jazz you shouldn't have a problem with some of the choices provided. Jazz is great, but it's more of a wankfest then any metal I've ever heard. Jazz is ALL about showing off, and it's all improv. Better yet it's not even well constructed much of the time. Dream theater should do fine, as would anything else thats technical. It's a shame he probably wouldn't be open to death vox because I was listening to emperor an hour or so ago and it seems like it would really fit what you would need. "Inno satana" for example, holy shit...could you get more beautiful and abrasive all at once? But with that though aside, I haven't heard kayo dot but I might have to check them out after seeing how many people gave the thumbs up on that one. They used to be maudlin of the well or whatever right?

Hey I just thought of something-play "the wanderer" instrumental from the second emperor cd. It's got a somewhat metallic edge to it, doesn't have the death vox, and has a good balance of classical influence but isn't overboard.
DiscipleOfPlato said:
...there is not a single power ballad on Images and Words... :err:

In regards to the comment about Savatage, they have been known to convey "cheesyness" within the context of their past recordings(past meaning '87 and prior), but they've certainly evolved since then. Anything following but not including "Hall of the Mountain King" is nearly or completely devoid of this.
I agree, that's why I added "Streets and post Streets", I think that gutter ballet had some cheese on it, but it was also the last album they released to contain it.

I'm not sure how we all define cheese here, but I'd go with stereotypical music/lyrics along with non thoughful lyrics.
Some might say that Dream Theater's music is stereotypical, but I would like to add that it was DT that almost created that form of music (not refering to progmetal in general).
Twodimensional lyrics that lacks subtleties and nuances is cheese.

I must go now, will add more later... see ya!
one final thought on this subject:

"Metal is too unsophisticated, “in your face,” and is in essence folk music, or kids’ music."

folk music is not kid's music. does that make bela bartok a childish composer? or zoltan koldaly? or shostakovich? or liszt?
Theli said:
How exacly are they cheesy? (refering to Dream Theater and Savatage)
Just read the lyrics from "In the Wake of Megellan" god I can't believe they even have an album about Megellan. As for Dream Theater, they just are, its music for nerds by nerds, with cheesy wanker solos and the most nerdy vocals in the world.
Focusphere said:
I would play your professor some Gordian Knot, specifically their self-titled album. Top-notch compositions and musicianship. And if your professor has a problem with it, let him know that the main composer of this band is also a professor of music theory at Oregon State University.

I second this.
For the record, he called Bartok and Shostakovich "in your face" as well.

I have until tomorrow, cause class got cancelled.

I'll arm myself with a couple, and ask him what he wants.

motW - "Stones Of October's Sobbing"

Emperor - "Empty"

Cynic - "Textures" or "Veil of Maya"

In Flames - "Jotun"

Dream Theater - "New Millennium"

I considered Summoning and Kayo Dot and Mekong Delta and Spastic Ink but they were either not progressive enough, too avant-garde, too rare, or just technical exercise.
To match Beethoven? You're screwed dude. I would at least bring along some Burzum or Summoning to put up a fight. Kayo Dot is a good bet as well but beyond that, I'm doubting In Flames or Dream Theater could possibly work in your favor.
Charubic Murder said:
To match Beethoven? You're screwed dude. I would at least bring along some Burzum or Summoning to put up a fight. Kayo Dot is a good bet as well but beyond that, I'm doubting In Flames or Dream Theater could possibly work in your favor.

I disagree...I think Dream Theater could work out in your favour.
Dude, i started listening to this song, pretty good and may help, certainly no beethoven, but this song's musical structure is amazing.

Hammerfall - Glory to the brave.

The vocals won't distract him like most death or black metal bands would. The guy sings well. It has a nice piano intro. The guitar is awesome.

I suggest it!
Dear God...I had to register just to mention The Odyssey by Symphony X, or anything from Secret of the Runes by Therion...

And to counter some other comments. Opeth's style is different, but just because they're songs aren't "verse chorus verse chorus" does not mean they lack composition. As for that whole Dream Theater thing...I like them...but wow, they really aren't the best composers...if you want to use them, I could only suggest something like Metropolis, what with the use of theme and all.

But damn...the odyssey is 24 minutes of damn quality writing.

Also...yeah, it's definitely not fair to try to compare the two. It's different styles. Trying to mingle stuff and try something different doesn't mean it's less mature, as long as the songwriter cares about the song they are writing. That's really all that matters. Theory is important, but that only gets you so far. Your professor is pretty narrowminded.