Metal Wear

It's not particularly important to me, it's more that I feel more comfortable wearing 'metal' gear... it's cheap to buy, it's generally black so you don't have to worry about colour co-ordination, and generally it looks cool! I've got a few necklaces (ganja leaf with yin-yang, spiky sun thing, celtic cross), a load of little bangles, two spiked armlets, and can usually be found wearing a black collared short-sleeve workshirt over some black, band-merchandise T-shirt, combat trews, occasionally black nail varnish and hair mascara for a laugh...
I don't care much for upholding any image or trying to make myself look "metal". I generally wear a black band t-shirt and blue jeans with regular shoes or my black boots. I don't try to go all out and portray some cliche image. I generally don't put too much emphasis on looks.
I think that everyone Metal or non metal should wear what makes them most comfortable. Clothing debates or considerations are really a waste of time. I dress in basically all black and Metal t-s and a leather jacket etc.. but its really because that is what I like.. I dont care who else likes or dislikes it. I am not trying to attract attention or make a statement. Metal is about being yourself and not conforming to all the constraints that society puts on individuals to become an organized, unthinking,unoriginal collective of droids... non individualistic shells . Media feeds you what to wear what to be what to think and what to accept. I think those of us who dress Metal are not only supporting the ideals and messages behind metal but we are in direct violation of societys forced mediocrity and we LOVE it!!!!
Originally posted by MetalMaiden1777
I think that everyone Metal or non metal should wear what makes them most comfortable. Clothing debates or considerations are really a waste of time. I dress in basically all black and Metal t-s and a leather jacket etc.. but its really because that is what I like.. I dont care who else likes or dislikes it. I am not trying to attract attention or make a statement. Metal is about being yourself and not conforming to all the constraints that society puts on individuals to become an organized, unthinking,unoriginal collective of droids... non individualistic shells . Media feeds you what to wear what to be what to think and what to accept. I think those of us who dress Metal are not only supporting the ideals and messages behind metal but we are in direct violation of societys forced mediocrity and we LOVE it!!!!

Too true, too true...
I am comfortable in my clothing so I wear it but I wouldnt be comfortable in tight Levis and a Nike tshirt that just isnt me, Id fell as if I was selling out my ideals in order to look "normal".