metal...whats next


Jan 13, 2006
with death,thrash,doom,black,heavy,power ad progressive all the main forums of metal....whats next

....the last fourm of metal to come out was black metal in the early 90's and when do you think the next wave of orginal bands to come are
I think more genre crossbreeding will occur.
Yes. And some of it will be really ridiculous, like black metal mixed with hip hop or something. There is already a strong trend of mixing electronica and extreme metal. And folk metal (the newest genre) will continue to evolve, and we may have things like West African Islamic NS Folk Black Metal or something.
no i mean....metal is gaining more mainstremfans..i dont think that is a bad thing if used right...i mean i found a cathriean forest t-shit at hot topic(i hate cf though and hot topic)

but nothing new is occuring becase of that

well I don't think it's that metal is gaining more mainstream notice. It's just certain metal bands gaining that mainstream notice. Not the metal world itself. Theres still tons of bands that will never and never will get that kind of recognition.
is there any native american metal or indigenous south american metal out there yet? i mean with like, war whoops and lyrics about scalping and fire arrows and peyote and little big horn and sacrifices and quetzlcoatl and cochise, etc.
like blackened death folk or something with rain dances and psychotic powwows. just really angry, kill paleface, kill conquistador type shit. that would be great.

and then have some cowboy metal. not like pantera thought they were cowboys, but real straight up outlaw shit. hanging motherfuckers, dragging live bodies from a horse across a cactus covered desert, spitting tobacco juice on dead mens faces, robbing trains, guzzling whiskey, fighting indians, death western metal ish.

i mean, there are bands out there that think they're pirates, vikings, elves, wizards, demons, etc. why not cowboys and indians? or fundamentalist muslims and crusader christians? or dogs and cats?

so, yeah, anyone know of any stuff of this? this should be what's next. pitting enemies against each other type metal.

and the two should do shows together and really brawl it out, or do collaborations where they talk shit to each other in the songs.
is there any native american metal or indigenous south american metal out there yet? i mean with like, war whoops and lyrics about scalping and fire arrows and peyote and little big horn and sacrifices and quetzlcoatl and cochise, etc.
like blackened death folk or something with rain dances and psychotic powwows. just really angry, kill paleface, kill conquistador type shit. that would be great.

and then have some cowboy metal. not like pantera thought they were cowboys, but real straight up outlaw shit. hanging motherfuckers, dragging live bodies from a horse across a cactus covered desert, spitting tobacco juice on dead mens faces, robbing trains, guzzling whiskey, fighting indians, death western metal ish.

i mean, there are bands out there that think they're pirates, vikings, elves, wizards, demons, etc. why not cowboys and indians? or fundamentalist muslims and crusader christians? or dogs and cats?

so, yeah, anyone know of any stuff of this? this should be what's next. pitting enemies against each other type metal.

and the two should do shows together and really brawl it out, or do collaborations where they talk shit to each other in the songs.
is there any native american metal or indigenous south american metal out there yet? i mean with like, war whoops and lyrics about scalping and fire arrows and peyote and little big horn and sacrifices and quetzlcoatl and cochise, etc.
like blackened death folk or something with rain dances and psychotic powwows. just really angry, kill paleface, kill conquistador type shit. that would be great.

and then have some cowboy metal. not like pantera thought they were cowboys, but real straight up outlaw shit. hanging motherfuckers, dragging live bodies from a horse across a cactus covered desert, spitting tobacco juice on dead mens faces, robbing trains, guzzling whiskey, fighting indians, death western metal ish.

i mean, there are bands out there that think they're pirates, vikings, elves, wizards, demons, etc. why not cowboys and indians? or fundamentalist muslims and crusader christians? or dogs and cats?

so, yeah, anyone know of any stuff of this? this should be what's next. pitting enemies against each other type metal.

and the two should do shows together and really brawl it out, or do collaborations where they talk shit to each other in the songs.

Hahaha, that made me laugh...

What's next... personally I want to see some riffless metal develop and see where the whole post-rock movement goes. I think it has a TON of potential.
I was going to try to make some "lol gay metal" joke. Then I realized two things:

1.) That would have been an incredibly stupid and sophomoric joke.

2.) Dragonforce already exist.

EDIT numer 87: Jesus fuck I can't type.