
Arasmas: I think that the mistake that your original post makes is thinking that music is equally important to everyone in the world, or that music has the same personal meaning to everyone in the world. I don't need to tell you that it does not. Now, it's one thing to accept this and it's another thing to really understand what it means.

There are a vast quantity of interests a person can have in their lives. Just take your pick. Out of all of those interests, a person cannot be 100% informed on all of them; it's just impossible. Let's say a person is interested in music, cars, sci-fi, rock climbing, and programming. It would be nigh-impossible for that person to not sacrifice time with one of those interests in order to spend more time with another interest, most likely the one that brings the most joy to the person. So perhaps their interest in music never quite gets beyond metal or anything not mainstream, BUT the person does genuinely enjoy the music they listen to. They just prefer to learn more about cars, or programming.

Now, would it make much sense for that person to come up to you and say, "How many programming languages do you know?" and if you say, "None," or perhaps, "Only BASIC," and they then scoff and ask why you haven't devoted more time to learning more robust and powerful languages, wouldn't you think that person is being kind of an asshole for no real reason? Or maybe he berates your lack of knowledge on cars. It could be argued much easier that cars play a more important role in most peoples' lives than music does, because cars are practical, whereas music is not.

I've never responded directly to one of your posts, but I have read many of them, and you seem like a decent guy with the ability to form his own opinions, but you also seem like you expect everyone else to be on the same plane of interest as you at all times. This will never happen and you will constantly be disappointed. Not everyone has the same exact reasons for liking music. Some don't feel a need to understand every single thing about the composition but rather just enjoy the sonic soundscape for what it is. Why not just appreciate the fact that you obviously have some common ground with the other posters here or you wouldn't still be sticking around? NFU was kind of a prick at times but occasionally he managed to come out of his holier-than-thou self and get people genuinely excited about music that they hadn't heard before. Why don't you give that a shot instead of your current approach? It obviously hasn't worked very well.
Arasmas: I think that the mistake that your original post makes is thinking that music is equally important to everyone in the world, or that music has the same personal meaning to everyone in the world. I don't need to tell you that it does not. Now, it's one thing to accept this and it's another thing to really understand what it means.

There are a vast quantity of interests a person can have in their lives. Just take your pick. Out of all of those interests, a person cannot be 100% informed on all of them; it's just impossible. Let's say a person is interested in music, cars, sci-fi, rock climbing, and programming. It would be nigh-impossible for that person to not sacrifice time with one of those interests in order to spend more time with another interest, most likely the one that brings the most joy to the person. So perhaps their interest in music never quite gets beyond metal or anything not mainstream, BUT the person does genuinely enjoy the music they listen to. They just prefer to learn more about cars, or programming.

Now, would it make much sense for that person to come up to you and say, "How many programming languages do you know?" and if you say, "None," or perhaps, "Only BASIC," and they then scoff and ask why you haven't devoted more time to learning more robust and powerful languages, wouldn't you think that person is being kind of an asshole for no real reason? Or maybe he berates your lack of knowledge on cars. It could be argued much easier that cars play a more important role in most peoples' lives than music does, because cars are practical, whereas music is not.

This is true as well, out of the 24 hours a day has I only spend about 30 minutes listening music.
Interesting. Would you list that top 10, I just wonder. And where is Opeth!? :mad:

In no particular order:

The Future Sound of London
Mostly Autumn
Pink Floyd
Anathema (later)
Peter Gabriel

Opeth is 12 according to, but that's not accurate. Top 20 perhaps.
marillion are you god damn kidding me

This would be the problem with musical elitism right here.

"This list looks pretty good.....WHAT? MARILLION?!??! I CAN'T ABIDE BY THAT!!! HE HAS A BAND ON HIS PERSONAL LIST THAT I DON'T LIKE! NO MORE I SAY! NO MORE!!" (creates post on forum that contains the subtext: 'We came SO close to being friends but you just had to go and screw it up with Marillion. Now I will bring up this glaring flaw in your opinion every other chance I get. Prepare to be crushed.')
This reminds me of a disparaging comment Mikael made awhile back, referring to elitist prog-heads:

"These types of people worship Marillion and nothing else"
or something to that effect...
This would be the problem with musical elitism right here.

"This list looks pretty good.....WHAT? MARILLION?!??! I CAN'T ABIDE BY THAT!!! HE HAS A BAND ON HIS PERSONAL LIST THAT I DON'T LIKE! NO MORE I SAY! NO MORE!!" (creates post on forum that contains the subtext: 'We came SO close to being friends but you just had to go and screw it up with Marillion. Now I will bring up this glaring flaw in your opinion every other chance I get. Prepare to be crushed.')

you are dumber than marillion
In no particular order:

The Future Sound of London
Mostly Autumn
Pink Floyd
Anathema (later)
Peter Gabriel

Opeth is 12 according to, but that's not accurate. Top 20 perhaps.

Not that Kenneth needs me to come to his defense, but this "widow sulk" cat should just go away. You just don't get it, do you?. Kenneth has provided many intelligient and informative posts, certainly in the 3 or so years I've been coming here. If you have nothing good to add,take a walk.:heh: This forum over the last year has become littered with complete jag-offs. Where do you fuckin' people come from?
i KNOW why people like metal. because i kinda do, in a way...

Your argument looks pretty naive in my opinion, so maybe you're still a "teenager" (as you described them) or something...
Besides, you made some good points.
Do you still wonder why other people that listen to other "genres" keeps listening to metal, yet you include yourself in that group of people.
So, what's the point of your post?.

Why, in your opinion, people like metal?...
Why every kid is and idiot?...
What/Where are your sources to say such things?
Not that Kenneth needs me to come to his defense, but this "widow sulk" cat should just go away. You just don't get it, do you?. Kenneth has provided many intelligient and informative posts, certainly in the 3 or so years I've been coming here. If you have nothing good to add,take a walk.:heh: This forum over the last year has become littered with complete jag-offs. Where do you fuckin' people come from?

lol I originally joined 2 years before you, so technically you're the 'jag-off' neophyte

kenneth has always been a dork who listens to the more terrible, soulless, and pompous neo prog and prog metal bands, plus he's religious which automatically makes him a moron

fact is, marillion sounds like if someone excised the soul and balls from gabriel-era genesis, leaving a hollow shell of flagrantly derivative music compounded by some of history's most obnoxious vocals
lol I originally joined 2 years before you, so technically you're the 'jag-off' neophyte

kenneth has always been a dork who listens to the more terrible, soulless, and pompous neo prog and prog metal bands, plus he's religious which automatically makes him a moron

fact is, marillion sounds like if someone excised the soul and balls from gabriel-era genesis, leaving a hollow shell of flagrantly derivative music compounded by some of history's most obnoxious vocals

what's your problem?
lol I originally joined 2 years before you, so technically you're the 'jag-off' neophyte

kenneth has always been a dork who listens to the more terrible, soulless, and pompous neo prog and prog metal bands, plus he's religious which automatically makes him a moron

fact is, marillion sounds like if someone excised the soul and balls from gabriel-era genesis, leaving a hollow shell of flagrantly derivative music compounded by some of history's most obnoxious vocals

That's some A-grade trolling. You really capsulate the ignorance and purposefully irritating irrationality that traditionally goes with the art well.