Metallica Thread

buy the first four albums. they fuckin' rule. some songs on the later albums are ok, but albumwise they went steeply downhill from justice and onwards.

kinda curious about how their new album will sound with rubin as their producer though.
EdenKriss said:
kinda curious about how their new album will sound with rubin as their producer though.

oh god...a million threads will precede the release...the first person to say, "gone back to their roots" should be castrated with a spoon.
On some bass forum a few weeks ago somebody asked "if Cliff Burton were alive today what would happen?" and I said "his bellbottoms would've finally grown large enough to swallow Lars' ego" and nobody laughed.
Yeah that place is good to buy and sell shit, and to search the archives to learn shit, but man, 98.67% of them have the personalities of dustbunnies. Well that's not entirely fair, I've met some pretty cool dustbunnies before.
Ride the Lightning > Master of Puppets

It's pretty mandatory to own at least one of their first 4 albums, if not all of them. I don't own Kill 'em All, although every song (including bassline!) was memorized years ago.
haha, I just remembered this MSPaint classic I created awhile back to illustrate my point:

Put it this way, MOP has way more weak points than RTL. One weak point lasts several minutes and is called "Leper Messiah". That song makes "Shortest Straw" sound good.