I didn't really think there would be pricks on this forum who think metal is the whole universe and anything else is for pussies. Personally I don't see this forum as a "metal" forum, I rather see it as a place where awesome people gather to help each other and improve themselves, and their passion happens to be within metal. Yea now some stupid fuck is gonna try to pull a "duuuh, you do know this is UltimateMETAL.com right!?!?!???"... NO SHIT, is it?. It seems it is, but how does that promote the idea of rejecting the whole world and making that little corner of metal your new world? Fuck dressing like metal, fuck growing facial hair just to look metal, fuck being unsocial because it is cool and metal, fuck all that shit.
I'm sorry for ranting like this guys but seriously, it's not healthy or good in any way to think metal is the alpha and omega. WAKE UP! No matter from what angle you look at it, Michael Jackson HAS influenced metal. You'll shit your pants when one of your metal "gods" reveal in an interview or something, that they draw inspiration from MJ. Then you'll really feel as stupid as you really are.
No wonder most metal is pure crap... dare I say even crappier than pop? Maybe with less dick heads, and more open minded people, there would be more good new and fresh metal instead of the same old crap thrash or breakdowny crapcore.
Now with that said... go make some kick ass metal!