He's a legend. And I'd rather listen to his songs than most metal made this days
I do know that in the trial, one kid was able to describe a mark that Michael had on his...ahem...."Jackson".
He's a legend. And I'd rather listen to his songs (some are pretty fucking amazing) than most metal made this days...
If he liked to entertain children, he should have been caped. As a musician and entertainer, he was really gifted. We are short of gifted people these days... there's no media space for them, since it is being filled with crap. Some people are comparing him to B. Spears... geez...
Wait, what?
This is true? I mean how many ways can this be known to a kid innocently?
I'm sorry to be a downer on this thread, but this is news (true of false) to me.
I didn't really think there would be pricks on this forum who think metal is the whole universe and anything else is for pussies. Personally I don't see this forum as a "metal" forum, I rather see it as a place where awesome people gather to help each other and improve themselves, and their passion happens to be within metal. Yea now some stupid fuck is gonna try to pull a "duuuh, you do know this is UltimateMETAL.com right!?!?!???"... NO SHIT, is it?. It seems it is, but how does that promote the idea of rejecting the whole world and making that little corner of metal your new world? Fuck dressing like metal, fuck growing facial hair just to look metal, fuck being unsocial because it is cool and metal, fuck all that shit.
I'm sorry for ranting like this guys but seriously, it's not healthy or good in any way to think metal is the alpha and omega. WAKE UP! No matter from what angle you look at it, Michael Jackson HAS influenced metal. You'll shit your pants when one of your metal "gods" reveal in an interview or something, that they draw inspiration from MJ. Then you'll really feel as stupid as you really are.
No wonder most metal is pure crap... dare I say even crappier than pop? Maybe with less dick heads, and more open minded people, there would be more good new and fresh metal instead of the same old crap thrash or breakdowny crapcore.
Now with that said... go make some kick ass metal!
whine about it. Im sick of being told what's good by blowhards that buy into the mainstream crock of bullshit. If he revolutionized pop music than thats a fucking crime against humanity, because pop music is a god damned farce. Sad blight on humanity, just like TMZ and all the people that give a fuck about who's fucking who. I dont care what metal bands are influenced by Jackson, IM saying the guy's just a performer who sang his songs and did his thing. Nothing more and nothing less. Give me a break.
You buying Britney's new record, too? She "revolutionized" pop since she came out, too.
You either know so much about music you can't tell a C from a C++
comparing Michael Jackson to Britney Spears is stupid. You either know so much about music you can't tell a C from a C++, or you simply deny yourself actually listening to anything MJ has done and think all pop is the same.
Wait, are you sure you aren't talking programming?![]()
ah... I wasn't comparing them... I meant that comparing them is stupid because someone did it here some posts ago (asking if one would buy new Britney's album cause she was a revolution on pop like Michael...). I actually listen to MJ and recognize him as a remarkable artist. Sorry if I seem that stupid to you, but I guess I'm not the stupid one here. And no... can't differ C from C++ since I'm no programmer
Read my entire post before bashing me please![]()
comparing Michael Jackson to Britney Spears is stupid.
We have 12/13 year old girls here having children.
Ok, I'll let it out...
Regardless of what musical impact he had on anyone, I think he's a fuckin piece of shit and I say good riddance. Sure, he was great 20 years ago, but he hung up his musical endeavors to be a fuckin chomo and a goddamn sideshow clown.
I personally get a bad taste in my mouth when everyone gets ready to dish out accolades for people just because they died. While I do have my personal tastes and personal opinions, it gets annoying when someone dies and gets venerated for one aspect and a clean slate of all of thier bullshit. Motherfucker might have got away with molesting kids, and hanging his baby out a window, and even becoming a living poster model for Planet Of The Apes...he fuckin backflipped in the early 90's, becoming a completely different person.
I can't wait for the day Charles Manson dies...not because I think he's a piece of shit anyway, but so I can see how many people start going off about how much positive shit he did for this-and-that culture, etc...and totally wipe away the fact that he was a fuckin sociopath and professional manipulator. Different gradient, but same scale...
I'm just glad to know the Jesus Juice has run dry.