Michael Romeo playing with Vitalij Kuprij ¡¡¡¡¡

Yeah, I know a few forums that had it against the rules, but I think it's stupid. So... should we be in topic? :P
Umm... What the hell is this about anyway? Michael Romeo was on some record in 2004?
Hey, hats off to Roman Fyngerz.:kickass: It's always better to search (manually or using the actual search-function) and continue some old threads on the subject rather than starting a new ones. There's lots of good threads down there.
Actually, Pinnella is pretty weak in the fine nuances. :)

I mean, nowhere near Jordan or Jens in terms of vibrato, legato and so on...

Perhaps, but I'd rather hear P add something to a song (texture, melody, etc.) as opposed to annoying buzzsaw sounds that double the guitar/bass the whole time, or obnoxious lead patches that would drive a cyborg to commit suicide.
Well Jens and Jordan are both really good players, and so is Pinnella. He just hasn't had much material made yet, but he's very good. The other two guys have already done more types and varieties of material, and maybe that's what you're thinking.